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Good start for Hyparlo

Good start for Hyparlo

Hyparlo, the Carrefour franchisee with 12 stores in France, has
reported strong sales in the first half, and is counting on further
improvements in the remainder of the year.

Fault-proofing package design

Fault-proofing package design

Last week reported about some
interesting research work into packaging design at the Delft
University of Technology in the Netherlands. Roland ten
Klooster believes he has come up with solutions to make food...

Soy and HRT - the truth?

Soy and HRT - the truth?

Both soy supplements and hormone replacement therapy appear to
improve risk factors for heart disease in women with diabetes,
according to a report on two new studies published this week. The
findings present conflicting evidence...

ADM shakes hands in Cuba

ADM shakes hands in Cuba

Archer Daniels Midland became the first US company on Thursday to
sign contracts with Cuban food importer Alimport as an
unprecedented US agricultural trade show got under way in Havana.

Head found for FDA

Head found for FDA

The European Food Safety Authority may not, as yet, have an
executice director, but let's hope the selection is speedier than
our American neighbours who, after nearly two years without, have
finally chosen a new commissioner...

Skip the seafood?

Skip the seafood?

Eating too much seafood, which can contain high levels of the toxic
substance mercury, could be linked to an increased risk of
infertility in men and women, researchers said on Tuesday.

Givaudan buys shares

Givaudan buys shares

The board of directors of Swiss flavour and fragrance manufacturer,
Givaudan at its 16 September meeting agreed the repurchase of up to
725,627 registered Givaudan shares.

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