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Shark bites obesity

Shark bites obesity

A substance derived from dogfish sharks suppresses appetite and
decreases body weight in rodents making it a potential anti-obesity
treatment, according to new research.

Quest knocks ICI results

Quest knocks ICI results

Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) yesterday warned that technical
problems at one of its food flavour plants in Holland would wipe
£10m (€15.83m) off second-half profits, reports The Guardian.

Damage limitation from USDA

Damage limitation from USDA

The US Agriculture Department, trying to repair its image after the
second-largest recall in history, is considering new regulations
that would require meat companies to implement more food safety
safeguards, consumer groups said...

French food labels face change

French food labels face change

France has agreed to a European Union demand to end the practice of
labelling French food products in French only, Les Echos
reports. The French government is now drafting an order requiring
food companies to attach labels in at least...

Cereals take the biscuit

Cereals take the biscuit

Consumers who choose to start the day with one of the new
generation cereals found on the supermarket shelves today might as
well be eating a slab of chocolate cake, claims UK independent
body, the Food Commission, this week.

Swiss approve yeast inhibitor

Swiss approve yeast inhibitor

Switzerland is the latest country to approve the use of natamycin,
an inhibitor of moulds and yeasts, in cheese and meat production
joining the European Union, the US, some South American and Eastern
European countries who have already...

Consumers sue fast food giants

Consumers sue fast food giants

An extraordinary court case has entered the US judicial system.
According to a recent BBC news report a group of overweight
Americans have sued several US fast food giants accusing them of
knowingly serving meals that cause obesity...

Kava kava importers face jail

Kava kava importers face jail

The controversial herbal ingredient kava, kava is once again in the
news when the UK Food Standards Agency this week announced that it
is seeking views on draft regulations that would result in the
removal from sale of food products...

Diageo focus continues

Diageo focus continues

British drinks giant Diageo on Thursday announced that it has
completed the sale of Burger King Corporation to a private equity
consortium, composed of Texas Pacific Group (TPG), Bain Capital and
Goldman Sachs Capital Partners, that...

Shed the pounds, eat peanuts

Shed the pounds, eat peanuts

Peanuts are not normally considered a diet food - primarily because
they are known to have a relatively high caloric level - but a new
study in the US has shown that they can be an effective diet food
because they act as an appetite...

Food science in Africa

Food science in Africa

The International Union of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST), a
global food science and technology organisation, claims to have
identified agro-based economic development in Africa as a focus of
its core activities.

US moves to empower USDA

US moves to empower USDA

The US Agriculture Department, now investigating the second-largest
meat recall in history, would gain authority to issue civil fines
against companies that make unsafe food, under a bill introduced on
Thursday by three Democrats.

Snow Brand execs deny fraud

Snow Brand execs deny fraud

Two former executives of the now-defunct Snow Brand Foods Co.
pleaded not guilty on Wednesday to charges of fraudulently
obtaining some 200 million yen (€1.7m) by falsely labelling meat to
receive subsidies under a government beef...

Mocha move from Danisco

Mocha move from Danisco

As the United States celebrates National Ice Cream week this week,
the media is awash with reports from companies and associations
boasting a multitude of reports linked to this popular food

Oats to boost memory

Oats to boost memory

Two recent studies of children's breakfast eating habits in the US
suggest that youngsters who eat oatmeal at the start of the day
could perform better in memory tests.

Milk lake in US?

Milk lake in US?

After the first six months of 2002, US milk production has
continued to outpace dairy product demand, resulting in a
significant increase in stocks, the International Dairy Foods
Association (IDFA) reports this week.

EU tightens food hygiene rules

EU tightens food hygiene rules

The European Commission is in the news again this week with the
latest proposal to strengthen food safety in the Member States.
According to a statement released on Tuesday, the Commission is to
revamp official controls relating to...

Sanitary belt

Sanitary belt

Chiorino, a UK-based company providing belting products for the
food industry, has launched a new type of belt with increased
protection against bacteria.

New parent for Central Soya

New parent for Central Soya

A move by US oil processor Bunge to purchase French oil seed
company Cereol looks set to push it into the number one slot, ahead
of Cargill, as the world's largest soybean processor. Ingredients
company Central Soya, a subsidiary...

BSE: export rules change

BSE: export rules change

The European Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health
voted in favour of a European Commission proposal changing the
rules for the dispatch from the United Kingdom of bovine products
under the Date-Based Export Scheme...

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