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The 20 billion dollar question

The 20 billion dollar question

The current trend towards health foods is making an impact on the
€20.2bn global food additives industry with demand for low-fat,
low-calorie and functional foods ensuring future development of fat
replacers, hydrocolloids, sweeteners,...

Unfit food destroyed

Unfit food destroyed

More than nine tonnes of food found unfit for human consumption was
destroyed in the United Arab Emirates in the first six months of
this year, the Gulf News reports.

Technology to combat E.coli

Technology to combat E.coli

Scientists are developing a hand-held sensor they say will help
save lives by quickly pinpointing the presence of a deadly E. coli
strain and other harmful germs in food and drinks, in some cases
within minutes.

Meat scares continue in Japan

Meat scares continue in Japan

Just when the Japanese food industry appeared to be settling down
after a period dogged with food scares and consumer fears, the
industry was stung on Friday by another quality-control scandal
when the government accused a company...

ABF expands brands in US

ABF expands brands in US

The acquisition of Unilever's Mazola and associated brands in North
America by UK food company Associated British Foods (ABF) reached
completion on Tuesday, following clearance from the necessary
regulatory approvals.

Fish fights obesity

Fish fights obesity

Research from Africa have revealed a correlation between a daily
diet of fish and low plasma levels of leptin, the hormone thought
to regulate appetite.

MS linked to smoked foods

MS linked to smoked foods

A diet of smoked hot dogs could be potentially harmful to the
health and might lead to an auto-immune disease. New findings
presented at the 12th Meeting of the European Neurological Society
suggest that consuming smoked meat products...

A kiwi? A bean?...

A kiwi? A bean?...

UK flavour ingredients company Treatt this week launched a new
addition to its range of TNF water-soluble distillates - Kiwifruit
Treattarome 9770, a new kiwifruit distillate. The company claims
that the new flavour can contribute...

Greens to cut crime

Greens to cut crime

Researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK have suggested
a novel method of reducing the number of offences committed by
young offenders - feed them fresh vegetables.

New flavour HQ for Danisco

New flavour HQ for Danisco

Danish food ingredients company Danisco moved one step closer to
its ambition to become the world's number five flavour house when
it confirmed the company's acquisition of Belgian flavour house

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