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Climate Smart Food 2021 will examine the changes needed to deliver sustainable nutrition / Pic: GettyImages-Malecus85


Climate Smart Food: Striving for sustainable nutrition

By Katy Askew

How can the food industry contribute to food system transformation and provide sustainable nutrition for personal and planetary health? Join our FREE Climate Smart Food summit to find out.


NPD Trend Tracker: From alt parmesan to 40kcal beer

By Flora Southey

From ‘the healthiest pint you’ll ever drink’, to low sugar beer and a low alcohol Jamaican rum alternative, our new product development tracker suggests the ‘low and no’ category is continuing to thrive. Check out, too, a new alt parmesan made from fermented...

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Ginseng boosts attention and memory via the gut

By Nikki Hancocks

An American ginseng supplement can improve acute working memory and attention while chronic supplementation can improve cognition and mental fatigue, thanks largely to changes in the gut microbiome.

Does today's consumer understand the complexities of palm oil production? GettyImages/ic36006

What do Millennials think of palm oil? Nestlé investigates

By Flora Southey

The food giant has sought to understand how important sustainability is to 25-45 years olds in the UK and Ireland, and how this translates to their perception of palm oil and their purchase decisions, Dr Emma Keller, Head of Sustainability, Nestlé UK...

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