Food safety & quality

Fighting fake foods

Fighting fake foods

Japanese technology developer Mediaseek says it has established a
joint operation aimed at stamping out the widespread problem of
counterfeit food and beverages in China.

Bird flu spreads to pigs

Bird flu spreads to pigs

Authorities in China are trying to calm fears over the spread of
the deadly avian influenza strain H5N1 to pigs by stating that
recent tests carried out on pig farms in the country have shown
that the animals are now clear of the...

Detecting packaging quality

Detecting packaging quality

Dutch dairy specialist Nutrifeed has recently installed a number of
measures in its processing and packaging activities to ensure
complete quality and safety. One of these is a method to detect
poorly sealed bags.

Oxoid on bacteria trail

Oxoid on bacteria trail

Oxoid, a leading manufacturer of microbiologicalculture media and
diagnostic tests, says it will participate in CAMPYCHECK, a
shared-cost three year project within the EU Fifth Framework
'Quality of Life and Management of Living...

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