Food safety & quality

Putting the seal on chicken

Putting the seal on chicken

A UK partnership between Ulma Packaging, the packaging solutions
provider, and one of the country's biggest producers of fresh
chickens, Banham Poultry, is said to have bought efficiencies that
benefit both retailers and consumers.

EU adopts organic action plan

EU adopts organic action plan

Europe's organic food and farming sector got a major boost this
week with the adoption by the European Commission of a new action
plan to promote the sector. The challenge will be to ensure, and
maintain, consumer trust in premium-priced...

Orafti gets Chilean go-ahead

Orafti gets Chilean go-ahead

Orafti, the chicory and rice ingredients producer, has been given
the green light by the Chilean authorities to begin work on a
second chicory extraction plant there - a move which the company
claims will bring industrial-scale chicory...

Irish beef sets out its stall

Irish beef sets out its stall

European beef consumption - hit badly by the BSE and foot and mouth
scares - is increasing once again, and industry professionals
meeting this week in Dublin are being urged to try a new tack in
order to further promote sales - promoting...

Colour sorting boosts yields

Colour sorting boosts yields

Colour sorting is not always the first thing that springs to mind
when it comes to increasing yields from dried ingredients, but UK
firm Radix says that its unique equipment can help manufacturers to
significantly boost turnover,...

Plant efficiency improved

Plant efficiency improved

DSO Fluid Handling, a manufacturer of replacement and maintenance
parts for processing plants in the ready-to-eat food and dairy
industries, is offering antimicrobial protection for rubber parts.
The company believes that heat-cured...

Olive oil labelling

Olive oil labelling

Stringent rules to protect the high quality, and high market value
compared to other vegetable fats, of Europe's olive oil are now in
place. But reliant on honest labelling, the market could remain
vulnerable. A new study from...

Recalled meat issue uncovered

Recalled meat issue uncovered

Only about half the meat and poultry recalled in the United States
because of suspected health hazards between 1998 and 2002 was
actually recovered by the manufacturers, according to a new study.
This suggests new federal food safety...

GM food imports imminent

GM food imports imminent

New sources of GM ingredients are set to enter the European food
supply chain as EU agriculture ministers failed to reach a
qualified majority yesterday on the biotech maize Bt11 and its
entry into the bloc.

Campylobacter reviewed

Campylobacter reviewed

A comprehensive review of Campylobacter in poultry processing has
been published by scientists from North Carolina University, US.
The report coincides with a number of food scares related to the
safety of poultry.

Heat on cayenne...

Heat on cayenne...

The flood of warnings over food products entering the EU zone
containing the potentially carcinogenic food colour Sudan 1
continues with the UK's watchdog recalling two different brands in
as many days.

Residue guide published

Residue guide published

The Chilled Food Association (CFA) has launched a guide to help
chilled food manufacturers meet their legislative commitments and
commercial requirements regarding controls on veterinary residues,
just days after the Soil Association...

Byrne backs new regime

Byrne backs new regime

The EU health commissioner David Byrne has urged food processors in
the United States to give Europe's new imposed GM traceability
regulations time to work. The move comes in response to widespread
opposition to the new regime...

Online help for manufacturers

Online help for manufacturers

A new system has been launched on the Internet to help food
producers cope with the complications of new EU meat labelling
regulations. The system provides manufacturers with the
Quantitative Ingredient Declaration (QUID) percentage,...

Two sides of RFID

Two sides of RFID

RFID has the potential to provide customers with more product
information than ever. But a new report claims that food
manufacturers and retailers will have to be careful that the
technology is not used against them, writes Anthony...

Tracing the food chain

Tracing the food chain

The European Commission has introduced TRACES, a new IT system
designed to improve the management of animal movements both from
outside the EU and within the EU. The system is designed to
simplify existing systems and create better...

Print with less power

Print with less power

Technology firm Trident has developed a printing system that uses
only a third of the cure power of traditional printers. The company
claims that the system is therefore ideal for heat-sensitive
packaging material applications such...

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