Food safety & quality

Packaging you can eat

Packaging you can eat

Edible wraps made of fruit and vegetables and plastic wrapping that
incorporates basil are being developed. Is this the future of
packaging, or will the concept fail to catch on or meet stringent
EU health and safety regulations?

Tracing mint production

Tracing mint production

Glacier Mints manufacturer Fox's Confectionery is to deploy a
Tropos ERP system at its Leicester head office and factory. The
Tropos system, to be supplied and managed by SSI, is due to go live
in the summer, writes Anthony Fletcher.

RFID is coming

RFID is coming

Canadian business software developer VantagePoint Systems has
formed an RFID product group within the company to provide software
and integration services to packaging manufacturers. The company
believes that the new division will...

Safety CD released

Safety CD released

The USDA has released an informational compact disc for federal and
state agriculture vets. The move is designed to prevent the
intentional and unintentional introduction of animal diseases into
the nation's food production chain.

Understanding risk

Understanding risk

Governments on both sides of the Atlantic need to better understand
how consumers perceive risk if they are to form better food safety
policies. The issue of bioterrorism however is helping to establish
a growing consensus among policy...

Clean air technology

Clean air technology

A new means of purifying air based on a simple electronic device
could mount a significant challenge to established players such as
ultraviolet light and HEPA filters, writes Phil Taylor.

Coke withdraws Dasani in UK

Coke withdraws Dasani in UK

Coca-Cola is withdrawing its Dasani bottled water from sale in
Britain after finding that samples contained higher than permitted
levels of the chemical bromate. A Coca-Cola spokesman said that the
voluntary withdrawal was a precautionary...

Heinz drops health claims

Heinz drops health claims

Heinz is dropping its healthy eating logo from cans of baked beans,
spaghetti and soups amid because it believes that the products will
fall foul of health targets being set by the UK government.

Good news for egg producers

Good news for egg producers

A survey of UK-produced eggs has found that the level of salmonella
contamination is now one third of what it was in 1996. Poultry
producers hope that the findings will go some way to allaying
consumer fears over poultry products,writes...

RSSL shows industry HOW

RSSL shows industry HOW

Reading Scientific Services (RSSL) is launching a programme to help
food manufacturers address issues such as obesity, nutrition and
food safety. Entitled HOW - health, obesity and well-being - the
programme offers consultancy, development...

Dutch fear flu return

Dutch fear flu return

The Dutch government has ordered the culling of 600 ducks on a farm
after routine blood tests showed signs of antibodies to a mild
strain of bird flu. There are fears of a return of the virus that
devastated much of northern Europe's...

A revolution in traceability

A revolution in traceability

A new IT system pioneered in the States will give food
manufacturers enhanced traceability, food quality, security and
efficiency, according to developer Arrowsight. talked to company CEO Adam Aronson

Yoghurt pot peel testing

Yoghurt pot peel testing

A new test instrument accessory to check the optimum peel strength
of sealed lids on yoghurt packaging has been developed by UK firm
Lloyd Instruments. The TG 5346 peel fixture is the latest addition
to a fast expanding grips and...

Food firms see red

Food firms see red

Food manufacturers continue to face the costly process of food
recalls as the UK's Food Standards Agency brings more food products
contaminated by the illegal carcinogenic food dye Sudan to light.

Pay attention to engineers

Pay attention to engineers

Wermer Bauer, executive vice president of technology, processing
and R&D at Nestlé, has urged food manufacturers to recognise
the link between sound engineering and strong financial
performance. He also told delegates at the International...

Tracing meat with clever chips

Tracing meat with clever chips

A test has been developed that can reveal the presence of meat from
32 different kinds of animal species. The DNA-based scheme is
currently being examined by European food regulatory bodies as a
possible means of ensuring that a food...

Fish farmers bite back

Fish farmers bite back

Industry group Scottish Quality Salmon has slammed research
recently published in Science magazine. The body claims that
the article on fish farming is misleading, and says that steps to
minimise PCB and dioxin levels in fish farming...

GM ruling hits exporters

GM ruling hits exporters

Exporters of genetically modified (GM) food suffered a setback this
week when an international conference on biotech safety agreed to
impose stricter labelling requirements on such products. The US,
which is the largest exporter of...

Sliding scale for organics?

Sliding scale for organics?

Leaked minutes from the UK government show that it is planning to
enforce different levels of GM contamination for different organic
food if GM crops are grown commercially in the UK, says UK organic
body, the Soil Association.

Sudan red alert

Sudan red alert

A screening method to identify a series of banned food dyes has
been developed in the UK. The move comes in response to the
European Commission's attempts to prevent the importation of
products containing four chemicals known...

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