Market trends

The use of 'sell-by' dates on foods will be scrapped in the UK from today.

UK scraps sell-by dates on food products

By Nathan Gray

New UK rules are set to remove ‘display until’ and ‘sell-by’ date labels from food packaging, in a bid to reduce food wastage after ministers decided that the extra dates on packaging can lead to consumer confusion.

Ivory Coast cocoa farmer

ADM extends premium cocoa liquor range

By Ben Bouckley

ADM (Archer Daniels Midland) Cocoa has extended its Unicao range of cocoa liquors produced from Ivory Coast cocoa beans, for use in premium milk and dark chocolate products.

Tasty prospects for gluten-free product sales

New gluten-free meals signal the move to mainstream

By Freddie Dawson

The launch of two new gluten-free products by Dr Schär UK is further evidence of the category’s move from niche to mainstream lifestyle choice, according to the free-from manufacturer.

Belgian firm gears-up for first ever UK stevia chocolate launch

Belgian firm gears-up for first ever UK stevia chocolate launch

By Ben Bouckley

Belgian chocolate firm Cavalier has confirmed that it is planning to launch the UK's first chocolate range containing stevia from January next year, while other launches across the EU will also follow initial listings in Belgium from November.

Cert ID says sustainable soy standards report 'inaccurate and biased'

Cert ID says sustainable soy standards report 'inaccurate and biased'

By Jane Byrne

CERT ID, the company behind ProTerra – a standard for non-GM soy and other foods – claims a recent report from the Dutch consultancy CREM comparing soy sustainability standards misrepresents it and is biased towards the Cargill-backed RTRS soy standard.

Rabobank takes cold comfort in EU cheese

Rabobank takes cold comfort in EU cheese

By Ben Bouckley

The EU cheese market is changing from a “comfortable place” where most producers are assured of growth to a cut-throat environment where rising raw milk prices are threatening margins.

Kosher certification in Europe becomes more popular

Kosher certification in Europe becomes more popular

By Freddie Dawson

The volume of kosher certified products in Europe continues to grow but will probably never match North American levels, according to UK certification body, the Kashrut Division of the London Beth Din (KLBD).

Over one million hectares now produce sustainable palm oil

Sustainable palm oil reaches million hectare mark

By Nathan Gray

The first one million hectares of certified land for sustainable palm production marks ‘a turning point’ for industry, according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

World sugar stocks on track for recovery

World sugar stocks on track for recovery

By Lynda Searby

Sugar stocks should rise significantly from their current low levels, with analysts forecasting a global sugar surplus of around 9.5m tonnes in the 2011/12 (October-September) crop year, on the back of increased production in Europe and Asia.

Dairy prices to soften, says Glanbia

Dairy prices to soften, says Glanbia

By Helen Glaberson

A modest weakening in dairy prices is expected, forecast Glanbia, as the company posted a profit jump in its half year results.

Carob cocoa replacer cuts recipe costs, claims Tate & Lyle

Carob cocoa replacer cuts recipe costs, claims Tate & Lyle

By Lynda Searby

Volatile cocoa prices and supply issues have prompted Tate & Lyle to launch a range of carob powder ingredients which can reduce costs by replacing up to 40 per cent of the cocoa component in dairy, bakery and ice cream recipes.

Experts defend GM trials after Greenpeace attack

Experts defend GM trials after Greenpeace attack

By Sarah Hills

Bringing a halt to genetically modified (GM) food trials would undermine competitiveness, according to one expert responding to the destruction of a GM wheat trial at a CSIRO farm in Canberra.

Turning the spotlight on regional Asian trends

Turning the spotlight on regional Asian trends

FoodNavigator-Asia spoke to suppliers at the recent Vitafoods show in Geneva about launching new foods and supplements on the Asian market. What are the main challenges? And where are the most promising opportunities?

Cutting quotas could be a tasty solution to sour sugar prices.

EU sugar reform planned as prices prove hard to swallow

By Mike Stones

Help for food manufacturers battling soaring sugar prices could arrive in mid October when the European Commission (EC) will unveil plans to reform the European Union (EU) sugar regime, according to industry sources.

Not so Fab: Significant changes are necessary to improve the EU sugar sector, said Nestle and other firms.

EC may boost sugar supply after price hikes and complaints

By Mike Stones

The European Commission will consider boosting the availability of sugar at its next tonnage tender meeting on August 25 after sharp rises in prices and calls from food manufacturers for it to increase sugar quotas or abandon them.

Phosphate replacers are derived from crops such as maize and tapioca

U&S develops clean label replacers for fish

By Sarah Hills

Ulrick & Short (U&S) has introduced a range of clean label products for seafood processors looking to replace phosphates and artificial additives with more natural ingredients.

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