Market trends

Commission mulls adopting flavourings list - but some data still unavailable

Dispatches from European Flavour Association conference

Commission mulls adopting flavourings list - but some data still unavailable

By Jess Halliday in Brussels

Flavour companies must provide data to EFSA to allow it to complete the safety reassessments for some 400 outstanding flavour substances already used in the EU by 2014, DG Sanco has stressed; meanwhile, solutions are sought as to how the list of approved...

Industry collaboration needed to secure Irish milk targets, expert

Industry collaboration needed to secure Irish milk targets, expert

By Guy Montague-Jones

The development of closer working relationships among all stakeholders involved in dairy processing sector in Ireland will be required to meet the challenge of increasing milk output 50 per cent by 2020, says the head of leading Irish dairy firm Dairygold.


DSM rejects chemicals past for biotech future

By Shane Starling

Dutch ingredients giant Royal DSM met growth targets in four of the past five years and its transition from chemicals to life sciences multinational is on track, board member Stephan Tanda told NutraIngredients this morning.

Do functional foods have a future?

Do functional foods have a future?

With a demographic time bomb ticking, the demand for foods, drinks and supplements to help people live healthier, more active lives as they get older has never been greater.

Gurkha sauce, anyone?

Gurkha sauce, anyone?

By Elaine Watson

An unusual range of premium sauces and chutneys inspired by the Gurkhas is gathering steam in the independent retail sector.

Polman: 'breakthrough' innovation

Unilever: Things will get worse before they get better

By Elaine Watson

Life will only get tougher for Unilever in the second half of 2010, but things could improve in 2011 as its Genesis innovation programme starts to bear fruit, cost inflation cycles out and rival Procter & Gamble (P&G) starts to run out of steam,...

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