Market trends

NZ firm eyes EU entry for natural sweetener from monk fruit

NZ firm eyes EU entry for natural sweetener from monk fruit

By Elaine Watson

The New-Zealand-based firm driving the commercialisation of an intense natural sweetener from monk fruit (luo han guo) is seeking clearance to market it in the EU following successful trials with some of the world’s leading food and drink manufacturers.

Stevia pioneer recounts first encounter

Stevia pioneer recounts first encounter

Jim May of SweetLeaf tells how he came across the sweet leaves from Paraguay almost three decades before they captured the imagination of the mainstream food industry.

Lifecycle analysis gives basis for comparison

Lifecycle analysis gives basis for comparison

Assessing the environmental impacts of an ingredient in processes throughout its lifecycle can provide a good basis for comparison with competing technologies, says DSM. But there is a need to communicate impacts in understandable terms.

Sustainable food messages risk confusing consumers

Sustainable food messages risk confusing consumers

Food firms are increasingly discussing the sustainability of their activities, but they must communicate with consumers using practical messages rather than euphemisms and jargon, says brand expert.

E-number rules are a hurdle to natural preservative use

E-number rules are a hurdle to natural preservative use

Finding natural ways to preserve foods throughout their shelf life without compromising safety is a major challenge for the food industry. But while technical solutions are emerging, some regulatory hurdles to implementing them remain in Europe.

Nanotechnology in food: What’s the big idea?

Nanotechnology in food: What’s the big idea?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Let's get talking about nanotech. The science of the very small has filled the food industry with big ideas – but industry is torn on how to present nanotechnology to consumers, stalling product development.

Getting a taste for IFT

Dispatches from IFT

Getting a taste for IFT

Trade shows provide a host of business opportunities - but for the adventurous visitor they are also a place to sample innovative products and recipes. Jess Halliday ate her way through the last afternoon of IFT in Chicago.

Ethics group challenges business and government to make food fairer

Ethics group challenges business and government to make food fairer

By Jess Halliday

The Food Ethics Council (FEC) has published a set of recommendations to improve social justice, after its year-long Food and Fairness Inquiry. The next step involves spreading the word stimulating debate with business and government policy-makers.

Opportunities for the next generation of food scientists

Dispatches from IFT

Opportunities for the next generation of food scientists

By Jess Halliday in Chicago

The IFT trade show is not just about business - it's about fostering the next generation of food professionals. University of Nebraska staff share their view on industry prospects and the value of IFT for students.

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