Market trends

Irish beef sets out its stall

Irish beef sets out its stall

European beef consumption - hit badly by the BSE and foot and mouth
scares - is increasing once again, and industry professionals
meeting this week in Dublin are being urged to try a new tack in
order to further promote sales - promoting...

FI-CEE quiet, but focused

FI-CEE quiet, but focused

The aisles were not brimming with people at the FI-CEE exhibition,
which opened its doors in Berlin today. But the general consensus
is that the show has been well targeted and that attendees are
there to do business, reports Simon...

Solbar looks to China

Solbar looks to China

At the beginning of the year Israel-based soy proteins specialist
Solbar, announced its move into the soy proteins in China. Simon
Pitman spoke to the company about the project and discovered
that soy protein demand is a major driving...

Globus posts loss

Globus posts loss

Leading Hungarian frozen and canned food company Globus has posted
a small first quarter loss following a drop in domestic sales and
an unexpected increase in costs.

CEDC buys Polish distributor

CEDC buys Polish distributor

Central European Distribution Corporation, which is rapidly
becoming one of the biggest distributors of alcohol in the Polish
market, has announced that it has completed its eleventh
acquisition with the purchase of Miro, a strategic...

Migros to expand

Migros to expand

Migros Turk AS, the largest food retailer in Turkey, is to expand
its business operations in the central European region, with the
announcement that it is to open up further retail outlets in FYR
Macedonia through a loan from the...

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