Market trends

Soy far, soy good

Soy far, soy good

The healthy image of soyfoods is set to lift sales in Europe even
higher in coming years, with growth in soya-based alternatives to
dairy and meat products expected to enter double digits from 2003 -
2005, according to a pan-European...

Soya-based drinks on the rise

Soya-based drinks on the rise

Further confirmation that the European consumer is throwing more
and more soy foods into his/her supermarket trolley comes from a
new report that reveals in 2002 per capita consumption of
soya-based drinks and desserts grew by over...

New store boost for Carrefour

New store boost for Carrefour

Carrefour, the world's number two retailer, has made no secret of
its ambitious expansion programme, and with new stores giving a
significant boost to third quarter sales, the company's strategy
cannot be faulted - especially...

Investors eye Bunge?

Investors eye Bunge?

Two years after the company went public, $20 billion US oilseed
giant Bunge declares a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.11 per
share following swiftly on from strong second quarter earnings
announced in July this year.

M&S rapped over &More launch

M&S rapped over &More launch

Marks & Spencer's high profile launch of its new
loyalty-cum-credit card, &More, has been criticised by the
Office of Fair Trading, despite the fact that it offers a more
attractive rate of interest to holders than the...

Carrefour in Norwegian JV

Carrefour in Norwegian JV

Carrefour has been busy this week, announcing plans to extend its
operations in South Korea and Japan. But it is also expanding
closer to home, today unveiling a tie up with Norway's Norges
Gruppen which will allow it to roll...

Hot weather lifts Iceland

Hot weather lifts Iceland

Like-for-like sales at Iceland improved in the second quarter of
the year, the first gain in many months for the struggling
retailer. But it remains to be seen how much of this was due to the
hot summer weather increasing volumes...

Oh soy good!

Oh soy good!

Steady but unsensational growth is earmarked for soy products in
the US with market analysts predicting a 5.4 per cent rise year on
year to $8.6 billion (€7.3bn) in 2007. But demand for industrial
applications are poised for a surge...

Ahold facing €1bn loss

Ahold facing €1bn loss

Embattled Dutch retailer Ahold has finally published its
long-awaited audited results for 2002, revealing the full effect of
the widespread accounting fraud unearthed earlier this year - a
loss of over €1bn.

Italian sale boosts Hyparlo

Italian sale boosts Hyparlo

The one-off gain from the sale of its Italian stores to Carrefour
has helped French retail operator Hyparlo to a significant
improvement in profits in the first half. The company will now
focus on its domestic and Romanian businesses,...

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