Market trends

Bridging products and ingredients innovation to expand the European market for seaweed ©iStock/marekuliasz

Can seaweed make waves in Europe's food sector?

By Katy Askew

There is a strong nutritional and environmental case for increasing consumption of aquatic plants but consumer understanding represents a significant hurdle. Can edible seaweed manufacturers make seaweed an ‘everyday food’ in Europe?


What are the best colour options for plant-based meats?

By Niamh Michail

From beetroot juice to red radish colouring food or fermented vegetarian leghemoglobin, manufacturers are finding ways to mimic the colour of meat in meat analogues. We take a look at some of the offerings.

© Vivera

Dutch Vivera claims 'world first' with plant-based steak

By Niamh Michail

Dutch brand Vivera has launched a plant-based steak made with wheat and soy protein. “We worked against the clock to get this steak - the holy grail of plant-based proteins - to market," says the company.

CAP should be linked to health agenda, MEP Heart Health Group hears ©iStock

Calls for EC to link agriculture and health policy

By Katy Askew

European health campaigners and some MEPs argue the European Commission should take a joined up approach to its food, agriculture and health policy by linking farmer payments to the healthiness of the food they produce.

The salt and pepper popped lotus seeds

Are popped lotus seeds the next popcorn?

By Niamh Michail

Also known as fox nuts, the gluten-free seeds of an Asian water lily could soon rival popcorn as consumers' guilt-free, savoury snack of choice, says UK start-up Nuto.

Dairy UK says the Eating Better report cherry picks statistics that paint a false picture of the UK industry.

Dairy UK slams Eating Better report

By Jim Cornall

Dairy UK has responded angrily to the publication of a new report urging consumers to change their diet to include less meat and dairy products.

 © iStock

'Alibi products' taint Norway's salt reduction progress

By Niamh Michail

Norwegian manufacturers are using a few low-salt “alibi products” to boast about reformulation efforts while doing little to cut salt in large volume products, says a Consumer Council report.

© GettyImagesl/Madeleine_Steinbach

Irish start-up brings bone broth to Europe

By Niamh Michail

Bone broth is small but growing in the US and one Irish start-up is aiming to bring it to Europe. "This is the most traditional forms of nourishment," says its founder.

Pineapple popularity soaring, Tesco reveals

Are pineapples the new avocado?

By Katy Askew

New figures from supermarket group Tesco reveal that pineapple sales are the “fastest growing fruit” in the UK. Could the pineapple be set to topple the avocado’s crown as the trendiest item in the produce aisle?

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