Market trends

Cans might not be the answer to plastic problem ©iStock

Don’t get carried away by cans of water

By David Burrows

This week, Tesco became the first major supermarket to sell cans of water. There were gushing appraisals of the move to “forget plastic”. On-the-go drinking options “just got way more sustainable”, noted the Huffington Post, citing the fact that aluminium...

Urban farming gains commercial scale ©iStock/Droits d'auteur nautiluz56

Urban farming could reinvent supply chains

By Katy Askew

Urban farming has the potential to disrupt produce supply chains, bringing production to population centres. While the development of a large-scale urban farming industry is still in its infancy, new technologies and growing public backing mean that urban...

Pic: ©GettyImages/Neuvector

Special edition: 'The rise of free from'

The demand for products with dual or multiple free-from labeling is growing

By Gill Hyslop

The rise of free from is throwing up unique challenges for manufacturers in that, often products that replace allergens can have an allergen classification themselves, like nuts to provide protein and fat content; or eggs or milk to bind ingredients in...

Edlong is a global leader in both dairy and non-dairy solutions to meet the growing consumer demand for more options.

Edlong showcases dairy-free range at IFT

By Beth Newhart

Illinois-based Edlong showcased a handful of its 250+ dairy-free flavors at the IFT expo last week, highlighting a national trend in consumer demand for vegan options.

Tree cover loss in Colombia accelerated last year after areas formerly controlled by FARC opened up for agriculture. ©GettyImages-StreetFlash

Cocoa & Forests Initiative expanded

Colombia pledges deforestation-free cocoa by 2025

By Oliver Nieburg

The world’s tenth largest cocoa producer has joined the Cocoa & Forests Initiative as it looks to combat a 46% increase in tree cover loss last year.

Arla Foods UK is warning specialty cheese could be ‘very scarce’ and other dairy products an ‘occasional luxury’ if a London School of Economics report on Brexit scenarios comes to fruition. Pic: Getty Images/Azure-Dragon

Arla foresees post-Brexit dairy problems for UK consumers

By Jim Cornall

European dairy cooperative Arla Foods says Brexit could leave UK consumers with less choice and higher prices, turning everyday staples, like butter, yogurts, cheese and infant formula, into occasional luxuries, and making speciality cheeses ‘very scarce.’

© GettyImages/monkeybusinessimages

Is the UK's €5.3bn ready meal market missing a trick?

By Niamh Michail

No organic ready meals, 'double standards' in meat labelling and too few vegetarian options. Manufacturers in Europe's biggest ready meal market, the UK, are failing to seize a business opportunity, a new report says.

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