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The Better Buying Lab will identify ways to get consumers to make more sustainable food choices.  © iStock/RawPixelLtd

'We’re not against meat, we’re for the consumer.'

Better Buying Lab plants sustainable eating seeds

By Niamh Michail

Consumers say they want to eat sustainably but don't always buy sustainable food. In order to change this, The Better Buying Lab has enrolled Google, Quorn and Sodexo to understand why and accelerate the transition to plant-based proteins.  

'The adoption of these technologies will take place at an increasingly rapid rate, particularly in the case of food.' © iStock/Pepsikan

Is your firm ready for 3 waves of disruptive food innovation?

By Niamh Michail

In the next 10 years, the food industry will be profoundly changed by a series of disruptive innovations in three waves. "Some say these entrepreneurs will save the planet, others believe they will destroy our relationship with food. I believe it...

SPLENDA Naturals is made with two ingredients: stevia leaf extract and erythritol, with an MSRP of $3.99 for a 40 count box, and $6.99 for an 80 count box.

SPLENDA Naturals takes on Truvia with new stevia-based natural sweetener

By Elaine Watson

As sales of artificial sweeteners continue to slide, SPLENDA (a brand associated with the artificial sweetener sucralose) has moved into the faster-growing natural sweetener space with the launch of SPLENDA Naturals, a zero-calorie blend of the bulk sweetener...

© iStock/Alleko

Nestlé changes 'misleading' marketing over no-meat beef soup

By Niamh Michail

Nestlé has removed a picture of fresh beef from the packaging of its dried beef and carrot soup - which did not contain any beef - following a two-year campaign by industry watchdog Foodwatch over misleading marketing.

Prices for all major commodities in the FAO's basket of goods.rose last month apart from grain. © iStock/Peshkov

World food prices hit 15-month high: FAO

By Niamh Michail

Food prices for all global commodities rose in the past month apart from cereals, according to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).

Demand for fish and seafood is on the rise in Turkey but cannot be met by domestic supplies. © iStock/JackF

Norwegian fish industry sets sights on exports to Turkey

By Niamh Michail

Demand for fresh and processed seafood in Turkey is on the rise but with little aquaculture and dwindling fish stocks in its own seas, it is reliant on imports. One researcher explains why, despite the challenges, the Norwegian food industry is feeling...

In 2015 global volumes of energy drinks reached 8.8 billion litres – up 10% from the previous year despite political turmoil around the sector. ©iStock/Elisanth_

Germany overtakes US as top energy drink innovator

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

For the first time Germany has overtaken the US as the top energy drink innovator with the highest rates of new product development (NPD) in 2015, according to Mintel. 

Chocolate milk: Nutritional powerhouse or sugary treat? Pic: iStock/Mizina

How will milk drinks be affected by UK sugar tax?

By Rachel Arthur

Milk-based drinks are to be excluded from the UK sugar tax, given their nutritional value. And yet some milk-based drinks contain considerable amounts of added sugar. So how can the levy distinguish between the two?  

The Games got underway last Friday in Brazil with food & drink brand sponsorship coming under the spotlight. ©iStock/Jacob Ammentorp Lund

Analysis: Is Olympics sponsorship all pain for little gain?

By David Burrows

Performance enhancing drugs have been the media focus in the run-up to the Olympics in Rio. But as the Games got underway last Friday in Brazil it was food and drink brands that were in the spotlight as campaigners and industry engaged in a heated spat...

IOI saw its RSPO membership suspended following allegations of illegal deforestation. ©iStock


RSPO lifts IOI's suspension

By Niamh Michail

The Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has lifted the suspension of Malaysian palm oil supplier IOI citing "good progress" made by the group.

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