Market trends

Italian consumer watchdog is warning parents not to give children products that contain palm oil due to carcinogenic contaminants. ©

Don't give children palm oil, says Italian consumer group

By Niamh Michail

After finding that 12 kids' food products from Nestlé, Barilla, Ferrero and Danone contain high levels of carcinogen 3-MCPD, Italian consumer group Altroconsumo is calling on parents to stop giving products that contain palm oil to children.

Orange juice is 100% juice from oranges. Or is it? The answer, it seems, depends on where in the world you are. The US, for example, has 12 subcategories of orange juice. Photo: iStock.

Guest Article

Navigating complex global rules for soft drinks

By Oliver Leedam, principal regulatory analyst, Leatherhead Food Research

For soft drink and fruit juice manufacturers looking to expand into new geographies, understanding global regulations is vital. However, this is no mean feat.

 'Food brands actively seek to recruit Facebook users to spread their marketing – seeking likes, tags, comments and photos,' write the authors. Photo: iStock

Facebook could be making kids fat: report

By David Burrows

Food and drink brands are restricting their use of websites to promote unhealthy products to children, instead using social media giant Facebook, an Irish report has found.

Photo: iStock

Belgium to reduce nation's calorie intake by 5%

By Niamh Michail

Belgian manufacturers and retailers have signed a voluntary convention with the Health Minister to cut the nation's calorie intake by 5% by next year - but without independent monitoring, critics say it lacks credibility.

The global energy drink sector is set for robust growth but could regulations and health concerns chill expansion? ©iStock

Sector to grow 40% by 2020

The world’s unquenchable thirst for energy drinks


Global sales of energy drinks hit €38.2 billion last year and will be worth €53.4bn in 2020 according to Euromonitor International, even as regulatory winds blow ill beneath the sector's wings. 

'There will be the usual suspects of food and feed firms and researchers, but then also input from technology players,' says Finnish researcher behind insect project. © / Wittayayut

How to foster a buzzing edible insects industry

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A Finnish project is to investigate the main hurdles and opportunities for the edible insect industry by linking up input from multidisciplinary players from relevant sectors. 

A Brexit vote would impact food and drink more than other sectors, warned Liz Truss

Brexit debate

Food sector 'better off in the EU': Liz Truss

By Rick Pendrous

Environment secretary Liz Truss has claimed the future success of the UK’s food and drink manufacturing sector hinged on it remaining a part of the EU, in a speech to industry leaders last month.

According to Euromonitor International, there is huge potential for growth in the dairy ethical labels market.

Dairy ethical label market can grow by $4.6bn says Euromonitor

By Jim Cornall

There is a growing movement towards sustainability, social responsibility and transparency on labels, says global market research company Euromonitor International, as it launches its ethical labels database, Passport: Ethical Labels.

Heinz says the UK condiments is mature but not devoid of innovation. © / zkruger

Kraft Heinz says UK sauces market still hot

By David Burrows

Condiments colossus Kraft Heinz has hit back at the suggestion that the UK is “out of step” with its western European neighbours when it comes to table sauces.

Eurolactis' donkey milk Onalat is increasing production, and the company is moving into chocolate bars.

New donkey milk products in pipeline

By Jim Cornall

Swiss-based donkey milk company Eurolactis is ramping up production, and is set to launch the first large-scale production of a chocolate bar made with donkey’s milk.

Image: Informa

What we saw at Vitafoods Europe 2016

By Hannah Heath

The Healthy Marketing Team (HMT) were impressed – mostly – by what they saw at the 20th year of Vitafoods Europe in Geneva last month from probiotics to novel powders to category creak and a gummy explosion, says the firm's Hannah Heath.

Total sugar, added sugar, free sugars and of which sugars...would it be easier if nutrition labels just depicted the amount of sugar that has been added in teaspoons? © iStock


Should Europeans be told how much sugar is added to their food?

By Niamh Michail

Nutrition labels in the US will now have to tell consumers how much sugar has been added by manufacturers and how much is naturally occurring. Is it time Europe introduced similar measures so consumers know whether the food they are eating is healthy?

BfR: 'Insects as a source of food is arousing more and more public interest, so it is important to clarify how safe these foods are.' ©iStock

Young urban males keenest to experiment

Germans give insect food a definite ‘maybe’

By Ursula Arens

More safety data is needed for insects as a food and feed source a symposium organised by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has heard, with Germans more likely to accept them as a feed rather than food source. 

The National Obesity Forum report on fats and carbohydrates has been attacked by its own board members

National Obesity Forum fat report rejected by board members

By Rick Pendrous

Health lobby group the National Obesity Forum (NOF) has come under swingeing attacks from some of its own medical advisers in press reports over the past weekend, following controversial advice it rushed out last week advising people to eat more fatty...

'Many Europeans still don’t know that they eat on average 61 kilos of soy per year, mostly embedded in their meat and dairy products,' said WWF senior advisor Sandra Mulder. © iStock

Call for EU action plan as firms shirk responsibility on soy

By David Burrows

The EU needs a deforestation action plan after a World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) analysis of the bloc’s largest food companies showed many are using consumer ignorance to dodge their “massive responsibility” when sourcing soy.

The clean label starch is ideal for products that undergo a harsh production process, such as dairy desserts or sauces. © iStock

Beneo launches clean label native starch

By Niamh Michail

Beneo has launched a clean label native rice starch made using a thermal production process developed as part of a three-year research project.

IRI: Cocnut milk sales up 67% in the UK. ©iStock

Consumers crazy about coconut, but are they nuts?

By Lynda Searby

Whilst sales data from market intelligence provider IRI shows that UK consumers can’t get enough of coconut products, a leading dietician brands coconut “an expensive con with no authorised health claims”.

Manufacturers should be made to declare how much potassium is in processed food, say campaigners, which could help certain consumers increase their daily intake and allow others to avoid it for health reasons. © iStock

Make potassium labelling mandatory for processed food: UK petition

By Niamh Michail

As new nutrition guidelines make labelling potassium on packaged foods mandatory in the US, a UK petition is urging the government to do the same but for different reasons - it would end the processed food "nightmare" for sufferers of Chronic...

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