
(Image: Getty/slpu9945)

Few UK consumers recognise RSPO logo, but does it matter?

By Flora Southey

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) says it is ‘not surprised’ by findings that just 5% of consumers in the UK recognise its logo, noting that as a voluntary label, “not all companies want to draw attention to an ingredient that is one of many”....


Food for thought

More taxes on unhealthy foods aren’t on the cards… yet

By Katy Askew

Momentum is growing behind calls to impose fiscal sanctions on unhealthy foods. And while such stringent action is not on the immediate horizon that could change if the food industry fails to step up its efforts on reformulation.

©iStock/Handmade Pictures

Processed meat under fire over nitrate cancer risk

By Katy Askew

A coalition of scientists, medical professionals and politicians in the UK have called for nitrates to be removed from processed meats, insisting that consumption of the additive can be linked to the development of bowl cancer.

Cutting the red tape to grow exports can be intimidating for start-ups but compliance is a must ©iStock

Managing compliance to grow exports: A how-to guide for start-ups

By Katy Askew

As start-up food businesses work to move their brands to the next level, many will look to grow overseas sales. To do so, they will need to navigate a minefield of compliance issues. FoodNavigator sought advice from regulatory compliance experts at Ashbury...

The Italian government is enforcing a new labeling law to distinguish between fresh bread and those that have undergone 'preservative' methods to increase shelf life. Pic: ©GettyImages/benidio

Italy enforces fresh bread labeling law

By Gill Hyslop

Italy is to enforce a new labeling law today (December 19) to distinguish fresh bread from products that have been ‘preserved for prolonged durability’.

Sucrose is sucrose, whether it takes the form of table sugar or apple juice concentrate, argues Foodwatch. GettyImages/CherriesJD

'Date paste, sugar beet juice... Using pseudonyms for sugar is not acceptable,' says complainant

Kellogg, Hipp and five others told to remove misleading 'no added sugar' claims

By Niamh Michail

The Dutch Advertising Authority has told seven manufacturers and retailers, including Kellogg, Albert Heijn and Hipp, to remove ‘no added sugar’ claims from products that are sweetened with date paste, apple juice concentrate and sugar beet syrup.

Sugar taxes: Sweet success or a sorry story? It usually depends who you ask... Pic:getty/bopav

Sugar taxes: The global picture

By Rachel Arthur, Elaine Watson, Stephen Daniells, Gary Scattergood, Niamh Michail

Sugar taxes continue to hit the headlines, but the introduction of new legislation is never straight-forward. We take a look at 20 countries around the globe where sugar taxes have been in the news.

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