
What should we call meat produced from animals cells without slaughtering animals? Picture: Mosameat

Mattson: 'The very existence of what's now known as clean meat is at stake here'

'Cell-based meat’ not the most consumer-friendly term, reveals GFI consumer research

By Elaine Watson

The Good Food Institute (GFI) has enlisted the services of food and beverage innovation firm Mattson to conduct further research into the best way to describe cell-cultured meat following the release of new data suggesting that the industry-backed term...

© GettyImages/Noel Hendrickson

Halal and kosher meat can be labelled organic: ECJ

By Katy Askew

The European Court of Justice advocate general has advised the ECJ that animals not stunned before slaughter in order to comply with religious rites for halal and kosher meat should be eligible to be labelled organic if they meet other standards of organic...


Food for thought

Opinion: Rising hunger levels a call to action for food makers

By Katy Askew

A new report from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) shows that the progress on tackling hunger made over the last decade was wiped out this year. The global food sector must respond by stepping up its efforts to combat malnutrition and...

Sugar content of food is a growing concern for consumers in the UK ©iStock/karandaev

Sugar replaces price as consumers’ top food worry

By Katy Askew

The amount of sugar contained in food has risen up the consumer agenda and replaced price as consumers’ biggest food concern, research from the UK’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) reveals.

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