
NFU Scotland is calling on milk purchasing companies to immediately increase the price being paid for milk from farmers following the upward trend in prices. Pic: ©iStock/Liquid_Light

NFU Scotland says milk buyers ignoring higher prices

By Jim Cornall

National Farmers’ Union (NFU) Scotland is calling on all Scottish companies purchasing milk to immediately recognize the strength of current dairy markets and return Scotland’s dairy farmers to profitable production.

 © iStock/Mihtiander

What does Greenpeace's palm oil report mean for IOI & RSPO?

By Niamh Michail

Greenpeace's damning report on Malaysian palm oil supplier IOI, just one month after its membership of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) was renewed, could be damaging for the certifier, according to one sustainability consultant.

Less talk of targets and more accelerated action, please, says Champions 12.3  © iStock

Action on food waste needs to accelerate, says SDG report

By David Burrows

Europe’s governments and companies have been great at setting targets to cut food waste, but now they need to “accelerate and scale up adoption of policies, incentives, and practices” to act upon these, according to a report on Sustainable Development...

'Only 40% of us have a healthy weight,' said health minister Simon Harris in a foreword to the report. 'In terms of scale, this represents one of the biggest public health challenges Ireland is facing today.'  © World Obesity Federation

Ireland launches national obesity plan

By Niamh Michail

The Irish government has launched an ambitious national obesity plan which proposes a sugary drinks tax, maximum portion sizes, marketing restrictions and reformulation targets - but the lack of funding to implement the policy has led to criticism from...

Sustainability and farming: SVZ Ingredients

What does sustainability mean to you?

By Rachel Arthur

Successful sustainability initiatives need to consider how farmers work and think, and involve co-operation between all parties, says SVZ International.

© iStock

Manufacturers dismiss Italy's 'wheat war'

By Niamh Michail

Low prices and cheap imports are hitting Italian wheat producers who are declaring 'a wheat war' while MEPs are calling for the Commission to act. But Italy simply cannot produce enough wheat to meet national demands, say manufacturers.

© iStock/©stocksnapper

UK pushes voluntary added sugar labelling scheme

By David Burrows

The UK government has confirmed that it will introduce “clearer visual labelling” in relation to free sugars on packaged food and drinks - but it will be voluntary.


CETA puts food safety at risk – report

By Joseph James Whitworth

The proposed Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Europe and Canada will put food safety at risk, according to the Council of Canadians.


Slimming food companies welcome EU law changes

By Lynda Searby

Forza Industries and trade association Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE) voice their support for new EU legislation that has clarified the use of weight loss claims on meal replacement products.

“Our research shows a relatively confident and upbeat sector,” said Andrew Connors, head of client propositions at Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking. © iStock/Delpixart

Sunshine breaks through Brexit clouds as industry gears up for growth

By David Burrows

Who said Brexit would break the UK economy and the sugar tax on soft drinks is bad for business? 95% of food and drink firms are forecasting growth, according to the Lloyds Bank third annual market survey. Here’s a rundown of five major findings.

Ireland may follow Mexico and the UK and bring in a tax on sugary drinks in a bid to curb obesity.  © iStock

Ireland ponders sugary drinks tax

By Niamh Michail

A tax on sugary drinks is being considered by the Irish government as part of the upcoming budget, a measure condemned by the Irish Beverage Council (IBC) as “costly political posturing”.

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) committee chair 'strongly rejects' further cuts to funding for environmental and health agencies. ©iStock.com/Piotr Adamowicz

ENVI chair seeks freeze on EFSA budget squeeze

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Members of European Parliament (MEPs) have voted to fight proposals to cut 2017 budgets for EU agencies including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Sugar taxes: A case of pop policy and comic consultation

By J T Winkler, emeritus professor of nutrition policy, London Metropolitan University

The UK's sugar tax was little more than populist light relief to brighten a speech full of economic doom and gloom. But what's worse, argues Professor Jack Winkler, is that the government's 'pseudo-consultation' about the tax is...

Photo: iStock / Evgeny Gromov

France calls for an end to TTIP talks

By Niamh Michail

The French trade minister said yesterday France wants to end TTIP negotiations, his German counterpart has said the talks have “de facto failed” and the deal’s biggest supporter, Britain, has voted to leave the EU. Is TTIP over before it even started?


Micreos positive on EFSA Listex opinion

By Joseph James Whitworth

Micreos has said it is ‘very positive’ following a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) opinion on its technology for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready to Eat (RTE) foods.

The working group of 21 independent researchers evaluated more than 1,000 studies. ©iStock/nensuria

WHO adds more cancer types linked to excess weight

By Will Chu

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified obesity as more of a risk factor for cancer than previously thought as a report identifies more cancer types linked to excess weight. 

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