
© iStock/Tonygers

Made in Switzerland 'Swissness' law to enter in force 1 January 2017

'Unfortunate': Nestlé to lose Swiss cross on 80 brands

By Niamh Michail

Nestlé will be forced to drop the Swiss cross from 80 products manufactured in Switzerland following a new law on 'Swissness' set to come into force in January next year. "This is very unfortunate," the head of Nestlé Switzerland has...

© iStock/dk_photos

'The ethical urge' powers fair trade in Switzerland: Study

By David Burrows

The Swiss buy more fair trade foods than Germans, but it’s not just because there are more products available to them: they’re also “more ethically convinced” by these products, researchers have found.

FoodWatch opposes the proposed logo, saying it will create a two-tier system for consumers and normalise poor rearing conditions.© iStock/Songqiuju

Germany's proposed animal welfare logo meets opposition

By Niamh Michail

Germany's plan to introduce a voluntary animal welfare logo, starting with pork products, has been met with opposition from groups saying good animal husbandry should be mandatory for all meat and dairy products.

Slow Food

Slow Food fights EU plans to beef up meat industry

By Louis Gore-Langton

A coalition of organisations led by Slow Food is protesting EU agriculture commissioner Phil Hogan’s decision to allocate €15m to promote meat consumption in Europe.

Campaigners said the rules still don’t go far enough.  © iStock


Acrylamide proposals strengthened in new draft

By David Burrows

The European Commission has moved to strengthen proposed new regulations on acrylamide, but the amendments are unlikely to be enough to appease campaigners.

Haze from Indonesia's forest fires last year spread to neighbouring countries, such as Krabi, Thailand, and has returned this year. © iStock/NuttKomo

Palm oil industry under fire as Indonesia’s haze drama continues

By Rick Beckmann & Kresna Panggabean

Haze from slash-and-burn agricultural has returned to Southeast Asia this year. Is it enough to wait for regulators to bring the (mainly palm oil) culprits to justice? Asian resource legal experts Rick Beckmann and Kresna Panggabean enter the storm.

The link between a high salt intake and high blood pressure, which raises the risk of cardiovascular disease, is well established.  © iStock

Ireland's salt intake is falling - but still too high

By Niamh Michail

There have been “significant reductions” in salt intake among the Irish population thanks to voluntary industry efforts, says the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) - but intake is still more than double the recommended levels for men.

 ©  iStock/f9photos

What now for climate change & food?

By David Burrows

The climate change agreement struck in Paris a year ago entered into force on Friday. Some 55 countries representing 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions have ratified the accord and all of them, including the EU, China, India and the US, now have an...

The Childhood Obesity Plan, unveiled by the UK government in August of this year, missed restrictions to junk-food advertising. ©iStock

Obesity plan 'dismantling' leaves bare bones of a strategy

By David Burrows

Details of the UK’s childhood obesity plan as it stood in June – back when David Cameron was Prime Minister and the UK was still debating whether to stay in or leave the EU - were this week revealed on British current affairs programme Dispatches.

The Parliament has spoken...but how long will it take the EC to define trans fat limits? © iStock

EC called on to fast-track impact assessment

MEPs vote to limit trans fats in EU

By Niamh Michail

MEPs have overwhelmingly voted to adopt a resolution pushing for a European limit on industrially produced trans fats, something industry has said it supports at 2%.

Removing Reb A restrictions will allow better tasting formulations, say stevia palyers. ©iStock

Law applies from 3 November 2016

Stevia sector says imminent EU law changes will sweeten NPD

By Lynda Searby

An amendment to the EU food additives regulation has removed the requirement for stevia blends to contain at least 75% stevioside or reb A, giving food and beverage manufacturers scope to formulate better tasting stevia-sweetened products.

© iStock

Under-12s seeing 88% fewer ads for non-nutritious products, says industry

Game over for food marketing to kids, says consumer group

By Niamh Michail

Food and drink companies need to turn their words on marketing to children into action, says European consumer rights group BEUC, as it calls 'game over' on marketing unhealthy food to kids.

Choices chopped: Consumer groups are celebrating the end of the industry-backed tick but have already denounced the replacement app as insufficient.  © iStock/DragonImages

Option paralysis: Consumers were confused by 'Choices'

Dutch ditch healthy eating logo for an app

By Niamh Michail

The Dutch government has ordered the industry-led healthy eating logo to be phased out and replaced with an app that allows consumers to scan products for nutrition information.

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