
Consumers don't understand date labels, according to Approved Foods

‘Fundamental lack of awareness’ over date labels

By Laurence Gibbons

The food and drink industry must do more to educate people over a “fundamental lack of awareness” about the difference between best-before and use-by-dates in a bid to tackle food waste, according to the boss of online grocer selling best-before products...

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

By Niamh Michail

"No single action will be effective in reducing sugar intakes," concludes Public Health England's report which recommends cutting price promotions, junk food advertising and setting a sugar tax. We look at some reactions to the findings.

“We think there could be bigger impacts from getting a handle on promotions and (...) the deep, consistent advertising our children are exposed to on unhealthy foods,” Tedstone said.

Public Health England tells UK government: Sugar taxes do work

By Niamh Michail

All the evidence shows that sugar taxes decrease purchases and curb obesity– but restricting price promotions and junkfood advertising could have an even bigger impact, concludes Public Health England's report to the UK government.

The Commission has called on other EU trading partners to follow Canada's lead and treat the EU as a single trading entity.

Canada lifts ban on EU beef imports

By Niamh Michail

Canada has lifted a ban on beef and processed beef from 19 EU member states which has been in place since the 1996 BSE scare.

Industry must boost social protection for rural farmers: FAO

By Niamh Michail

Rural poverty is the theme of this year’s World Food Day but agriculture in itself is not enough to end hunger, says the FAO – social protection is vital to protecting farmers which means industry can get involved. 

European organic sector in another regulation status quo

Another status quo for the European organic sector?

By Niamh Michail

EU organic legislation was supposed to dynamise the sector – but with the agricultural committee’s proposal yesterday deemed another status quo by organic groups, is future investment in the organic sector being compromised by the uncertainty?

“We have noticed some slight differences in nutrient content (protein, magnesium and vitamin C) but these do not seem significant in our view.

Dutch firm enters bulging chia seed scene


The spate of companies seeking to enter Europe’s lively chia seed market shows no signs of slowing with an EU novel foods application from a Dutch firm joining the fray.

The Britain Stronger in Europe group was launched today

Keep UK in EU, argues new campaign group

By Michael Stones

Britain will be better off within the EU, a new cross-party campaign group launched today, led by the chairman of online grocery business Ocado and former chief executive of Marks & Spencer Stuart Rose will argue.  

There are no systematically collected data on animal and human consumption of insects for us to look at, says EFSA

EFSA delivers long-awaited safety assessment despite data craters

EFSA on insects: Pathogens harmful to humans most likely from farming

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said insect pathogens potentially harmful to humans are most likely to come from rearing and processing not intrinsically associated with the insect itself – but huge gaps in data remain. 

Three more EU countries to opt out of GMO

Three more EU countries to opt out of GMO

By Niamh Michail

Malta, Slovenia and Luxemburg filed last minute applications to opt out of GMO cultivation in Europe, bringing the total number to 19 member states..

More than half of EU countries set to opt out of GM

By Niamh Michail

Sixteen countries have requested to opt out of GM cultivation in Europe – but while the Commission says the opt-out clause is necessary for such a complex issue, campaigners are calling it ‘Kafkaesque’ and one scientist warns Europe is walking 'an...

Finland set to scrap tax on sweets and ice cream

Finland set to scrap tax on sweets and ice cream

By Nathan Gray

The Finnish government has said a tax on sweets and ice cream in the country will be scrapped at the start of 2017 after the European Commission said the tax unfairly advantaged producers within the country.

Firmenich awarded for sustainable credentials

Firmenich awarded for sustainable credentials

By Niamh Michail

Bérangère Magarinos-Ruchat, vice president of sustainability partnerships at global flavour firm Firmenich has won “Head of Sustainability” at the Ethical Corporation's Responsible Business Awards.

Will proposed EU novel food nanotech rules create unnecessary and innovation-sapping

Nanotek group opposes changes to EU novel foods rules


Mooted changes to EU novel food laws that will cater for new ingredient sources like insects and food making methods like nanotechnology are ‘vague, unclear and unworkable’ according to a leading nanotechnology group.

UK government calls for more local labelling

UK government calls for more local labelling

By Niamh Michail

The UK government is calling on manufacturers to use local county of origin labelling on its products – but unlike in Italy such measures would be voluntary.

Dennis said the Food safety conference was 'critical' to help debate the 'fundamental issue'

Food safety a ‘fundamental issue of concern’

By Laurence Gibbons

Food safety remains a “fundamental issue of concern” for the food industry, government and consumers and attending events such as the Food Manufacture Group’s Food safety conference will arm delegates with vital information to avoid problems.

Malcolm Clarke of the Children's Food Campaign slammed the government's refusal to consider a tax on sugary drinks as 'absurd'.

UK government rules out sugar tax

By Niamh Michail

The British government has no plans to tax sugary drinks, despite an online petition receiving more than the 100,000 signatures required to spark a parliamentary debate on the issue.

Europe set to increase imports of Tunisian olive oil

Europe set to increase imports of Tunisian olive oil

By Nathan Gray

The European Commission (EC) has set out plans that will offer increased temporary access for Tunisian olive oil to the EU market, in a bid to help support Tunisia's economic recovery.

The proposed law has been welcomed for protecting products that are made in Italy  - but detractors say Italian lawmakers are trying to sneak through mandatory COOL labelling.

Italy’s labelling bill slammed as backdoor protectionism

By Niamh Michail

An Italian bill will require companies to say where a product was produced and packaged, meaning greater transparency for consumers, says government - but industry has slammed it as backdoor protectionism that violates EU law.

Latvia becomes latest EU country to ban trans fats

Latvia becomes latest EU country to ban trans fats

By Niamh Michail

Latvia has banned the use of trans fats in domestically produced and imported food, joining ranks with Austria, Hungary and Denmark - but campaigners are pushing for an EU-wide ban.

The EU has set maximum levels for inorganic arsenic in food - but some scientists are saying they are too high and do not protect consumers enough.

Scientist slams EU arsenic limits as a safety fail

By Niamh Michail

The EU has lost the opportunity to provide safer food to its people by setting maximum arsenic levels in food too high, says one researcher - but a legal expert welcomes the levels for providing guidance and legal certainty.

This is the second time Silver Spoon has been pulled up by advertising regulators for making 'natural' claims about Truvia.

Truvia’s natural claim challenged in UK

By Niamh Michail

British Sugar has withdrawn a UK advert for Truvia which claimed sweetener was natural - despite having paid out €5m in a US court for the same claim two years ago.

Heinz drops healthy claim from sugary baby food

By Niamh Michail

Heinz has removed the word ‘healthy’ from adverts for sugary biscotti for babies – but the campaigner who filed the complaint has slammed the powerlessness of advertising regulators and impunity of Heinz as the word will remain on the packaging.

MEPs vote for 'comprehensive' cloning ban

By Niamh Michail

MEPs voted yesterday to ban imports of food from cloned animals and their descendants - but the European Commission has called the amendments 'disproportionate' and even 'legally impossible'.

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