
French supermarkets commit to voluntary food waste package

French supermarkets commit to voluntary food waste package

By Niamh Michail

France’s major retailers, including Carrefour, Aldi and Lidl, have signed a voluntary contract to replace the food waste law – but a British industry group has called it a distraction from the real issue, saying similar measures are not needed in the...

Last year 100 million tonnes of food was wasted according to European consumer rights group BEUC.

France's food waste law scrapped on a technicality

By Niamh Michail

A law that would have forced French supermarkets to donate unsold food to charity has been scrapped on a legal technicality – but supermarkets are being urged to adopt it voluntarily and some have already pledged to do so.

All age groups agreed there should be clearer labeling of alcohol content

Give us clearer alcohol labels: drinkers

By Michael Stones

Nearly half of British drinkers want clearer labelling of alcohol contents, while one in five people in the over 65 age group who drink alcohol consume “unsafe” levels, according to new research.

Heinz Ketchup isn’t ketchup, Israel rules

Heinz Ketchup isn’t ketchup, Israel rules


Israel’s Health Ministry has ruled that Heinz Ketchup can no longer be called ketchup in Israel after local brand Osem argued it doesn’t contain enough tomato paste, according to Israeli news service Ynet.

Italian politicians defend palm oil

Italian politicians defend palm oil


Italian politicians have submitted two resolutions to parliament defending palm oil in the face of anti-palm oil campaigns, calling it a raw material of fundamental importance for Italian industry.

As Maggi affair nears a conclusion, questions need to be asked


As Maggi affair nears a conclusion, questions need to be asked

By RJ Whitehead

Over the last few days it feels like we’ve written about little more than the Maggi noodles affair in India. Thankfully it is now reaching a conclusion. But still it raises some vitally important questions that must surely be addressed.

Maggi action: The latest monsoon in a chai cup


Maggi action: The latest monsoon in a chai cup

By RJ Whitehead

Reactionary and radical moves by politicians and administrators who like to ride roughshod over common sense are unexceptional occurrences in India. 


13% in some countries compared to 43% in SE Asia

Europe has world's lowest breastfeeding rates: WHO


The World Health Organisation (WHO) says rising obesity rates among mothers and ready availability and attractiveness of formula has left Europe with the world’s lowest breastfeeding rates.

ECJ case is 'a critically needed' check on government actors and measures, says food lawyer

EFSA loses right to keep experts secret

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has lost its right to keep the names of contributing expert commentators a secret – a European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling that could be applied retrospectively.

The authority was also asked to add ‘fresh’, ‘pure’, ‘original’, ‘authentic’, ‘real’, ‘genuine’ and ‘home-made' to its list

Irish artisans complain big brands ‘usurping’ their shelf space

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has begun its crack down on the misleading use of terms ‘artisan’, ‘farmhouse’, ‘traditional’ and ‘natural’ following complaints from artisan companies – but enforcement will be a challenge.

“We see opportunities for scientifically justified nutritional products…”

EFSA issues medical foods guidance


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has issued guidance on how firms can compile “well-structured dossiers” for medical foods that may be permitted in the EU’s 28 nations as momentum to update archaic laws grows.

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

UK law to fight slavery in big firm supply chains

By Niamh Michail

New legislation will require all large firms in the UK to report on their fight against slavery in the supply chain - but experts say the 'opt out' clause means its success could be limited.

The work was approved at the 38th CAC meeting

dispatches from codex alimentarius, geneva

Codex backs work on international standard for quinoa

By Joseph James Whitworth

Bolivia and the US have been given the go ahead to work on an international standard for quinoa by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).

MEP Bernd Lange said that negotiating TTIP terms was the 'democratic duty' of EU parliamentarians. “If [globalization] is to work for the benefit of the people, then it cannot be left in the hands of the negotiators alone.

MEPs back TTIP but reject investor clause

By Niamh Michail

MEPs have voted through a resolution supporting TTIP on condition the ISDS clause is replaced – but the proposed replacement has drawn criticism.

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