
Higher-value organics

Higher-value organics

A new Europe-wide project will devote a £12 million budget to
investigating the added-value that organic farming could bring to
food products. The qualitative approach will give a boost to an
industry starting to slow down in pace.

Food demand growing

Food demand growing

As food makers in the developed world face ongoing collisions with
consumer groups over their choice of certain food ingredients and
additives - notably salt and potentially GM ingredients - a new
study from the US finds that undernutrition...

Powerhouse carotenoids

Powerhouse carotenoids

Further evidence to support the inclusion of carotenoids in food
formulations comes from the US with a new study showing that high
blood levels of carotenoids, a family of disease-beating
antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables,...

Oats have anti-adhesive power

Oats have anti-adhesive power

Antioxidants found in oats can significantly reduce blood
cholesterol levels by suppressing the adhesive molecules which make
blood cells stick to artery walls, report scientists from the US
this week - evidence of the cholesterol-busting...

FSA happy with meat safety

FSA happy with meat safety

Concerns that uncooked meats and meat products on sale in the UK
could contain high levels of the potentially harmful chemical
1,3-dichloropropanol (1,3-DCP) have proven unfounded following an
investigation by the government-funded...

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