
Zinc fights fever

Zinc fights fever

Zinc appears to significantly reduce the duration of fever and
severity of illness in boys with pneumonia and other serious lower
respiratory infections, according to new research.

How does green tea work?

How does green tea work?

Japanese scientists may have explained why green tea stops the
progression of cancer. They report that the active component
epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) binds to a receptor thought to be
behind the spread of cancer.

Teens need a calcium boost

Teens need a calcium boost

New research appears to absolve the soft drinks industry from
responsibility for the low calcium intake among US adolescents but
it suggests that creative and effective ways of increasing levels
of the mineral, such as through fortified...

Naples explores walnuts

Naples explores walnuts

Walnuts, one of the oldest food ingredients known to mankind, are
the focus of an upcoming symposium organised by Europe that will
aim to bridge the gap between scientific, technical and user
communities. Opportunities for growth...

Breathe easy with vitamin C

Breathe easy with vitamin C

Vitamin C may prevent symptoms associated with respiratory diseases
such as cystic fibrosis and asthma by hydrating the airways and
clearing them from potential pathogens, report scientists this
month, helping to explain some of the...

Breakthrough in prion research

Breakthrough in prion research

A key discovery about how prions - mysterious morsels of protein
thought to be the cause of mad cow disease and similar brain
disorders - infect healthy cells is being hailed by scientists as a
breakthrough in the quest to understand...

Beer feeds bones

Beer feeds bones

A warm glow from a regular pint at the pub might not be the only
benefit to the health as a small study finds moderate beer
consumption could help prevent osteoporosis through the
bioavailability of silicon rooted in the beverage.

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