
Omega 3 impact overestimated?

Omega 3 impact overestimated?

Both alpha-linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids may reduce onset
of depression in cancer patients, suggest Japanese reasearchers.
But investigations into the different omega-3 fats,
eicosapentaenoic acid and docosapentaenoic acid,...

Low fat combats male tumours

Low fat combats male tumours

A low-fat diet may help men with aggressive prostate cancer better
fight their disease and live longer, according to researchers who
showed that a diet low in polyunsaturated fats slowed cancer growth
and increased survival times...

Rice is life, warns FAO

Rice is life, warns FAO

Grown in 113 countries and the staple food for over half the
world's population, rice is the globe's most popular food that
shapes religious festivals, customs, cuisine and celebrations. But
at a conference this week dedicated...

Plant genomics a priority

Plant genomics a priority

The EU has provided €2.2 million of funding for a new project that
aims to promote transnational cooperation in plant genomics
research and, ultimately, better coordinate the €80 million spent
annually in Europe on such activities,...

Breakfast as a king...

Breakfast as a king...

In light of the great British artery-clogging breakfast tradition,
the UK cereals trade industry this week celebrates the health
benefits of the first meal of the day, spinning a refreshed version
on this all time favourite.

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