
An end to kitchen tears

An end to kitchen tears

Genetically modified foods, currently fuelling fiery debates across
the world, could help to make the life of the cook more pleasant.
In a new study from Japan, researchers claim to have identified the
enzyme that releases a tear-duct-tickling...

Folate to fight miscarriages?

Folate to fight miscarriages?

A study of more than 400 Swedish women has found that folate
deficiency was associated with a 50 per cent increase in risk of
early miscarriage. Researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in
Stockholm, Sweden, also found that high folate...

Genes to fight obesity

Genes to fight obesity

Future weight loss diets could become 'custom-made' for each
individual, according to scientists working on a three-year
international research project funded by the European Union. The
project, known as Nugenob, explores...

Food allergies grow in Japan

Food allergies grow in Japan

Biomerica, a global medical technology company, has been contracted
to develop a new food allergy test for the Kyowa Medex Company in
Japan, a subsidiary of Kyowa Hakko Kogyo, a leading Japanese
pharmaceutical company. Terms of the...

Cheaper chocolate?

Cheaper chocolate?

New research from the US claims that new, high-yielding selections
of Theobroma cacao, may offer new hope to the world's cacao
growers - and to chocolate manufacturers and chocolate lovers
across the world.

Soy and HRT - the truth?

Soy and HRT - the truth?

Both soy supplements and hormone replacement therapy appear to
improve risk factors for heart disease in women with diabetes,
according to a report on two new studies published this week. The
findings present conflicting evidence...

Head found for FDA

Head found for FDA

The European Food Safety Authority may not, as yet, have an
executice director, but let's hope the selection is speedier than
our American neighbours who, after nearly two years without, have
finally chosen a new commissioner...

Skip the seafood?

Skip the seafood?

Eating too much seafood, which can contain high levels of the toxic
substance mercury, could be linked to an increased risk of
infertility in men and women, researchers said on Tuesday.

Soy to beat breast cancer

Soy to beat breast cancer

One more piece of evidence hailing the health benefits of soy
joined the already considerable volume this week when scientists
suggested that consuming tofu and other soy-based foods can
significantly lower levels of a class of oestrogens...

All gone pear-shaped

All gone pear-shaped

The mysteries of peculiar shaped fruits and vegetables appear to
have been revealed. Scientists in the US have found that disabling
one gene in a tomato can make it pear-shaped. Squash, aubergines
and pears, they claim, probably owe...

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