
Meat reared in fish tanks?

Meat reared in fish tanks?

Boundaries of science were pushed further recently when scientists,
trying to create alternative food sources for astronauts, revealed
that we could grow meat on demand, without slaughtering fish or
animals, the New Scientist reports...

New methods for cereal testing

New methods for cereal testing

Improved methods for wheat and flour quality evaluation will enable
millers and bakers to more effectively assess quality,
functionality and fitness for particular end uses. According to a
recent report from the Campden and Chorleywood...

Fish oils to beat the blues

Fish oils to beat the blues

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in significant quantities in salmon,
swordfish, and tuna will help relieve depression in people already
in maintenance therapy for depression, a recent study shows. The
research carried out in Israel supports...

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