
Fish fights obesity

Fish fights obesity

Research from Africa have revealed a correlation between a daily
diet of fish and low plasma levels of leptin, the hormone thought
to regulate appetite.

MS linked to smoked foods

MS linked to smoked foods

A diet of smoked hot dogs could be potentially harmful to the
health and might lead to an auto-immune disease. New findings
presented at the 12th Meeting of the European Neurological Society
suggest that consuming smoked meat products...

Greens to cut crime

Greens to cut crime

Researchers from the University of Surrey in the UK have suggested
a novel method of reducing the number of offences committed by
young offenders - feed them fresh vegetables.

Cranberries: wasted on turkey?

Cranberries: wasted on turkey?

The health benefits of cranberry juice have occupied scientists for
some time. This week researchers in the US claim that cranberry
juice could prove to be the next weapon in fighting bacteria,
especially those which have become resistant...

Are fat replacers effective?

Are fat replacers effective?

A new report from the American Heart Association has called into
question the efficacy of fat replacers such as olestra, at the same
time as highlighting a number of serious side effects relating to
vitamin and mineral absorption.

A cider a day...

A cider a day...

Apples have long been seen as a healthy food, but that same
reputation has rarely been attributed to apple products. Now one
such product - cider - has been shown to be packed with
antioxidants, in amounts to rival even red wine.

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