
A trolley full of ultra-processed food. © GettyImages/JackF

Ultra-processed food may be linked to cancer: BMJ study

By Niamh Michail

There may be a causal link between eating highly processed food and cancer risk, and four reasons why this could be, according to the authors of a 105,000-strong French study published in the British Medical Journal.

© GettyImages/shuttertop

Grass is greener for healthy, novel protein, say researchers

By Niamh Michail

Cheap, plentiful and with an amino acid profile similar to eggs, grass could be the next sustainable protein ingredient for food manufacturers, say Danish researchers, who have already created a grass protein bar.

© iStock/Erierika

Finnish food additive intake within safe limits: Evira

By Niamh Michail

The Finnish population intake of food additives is mostly within safe limits – but food manufacturers should nevertheless try to lower additive levels where possible according to a report by Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira.

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