
© GettyImages/Lyashik

Processing affects rye's satiating properties

By Niamh Michail

The why behind the rye: The way rye is processed has a direct impact on how filling it is, according to Finnish researchers, with implications for food manufacturers using the high-fibre whole grain.

Acrylamide can be found in baked goods, such as biscuits and cookies. © iStock/Nastco

EU injects €1.5m into acrylamide research

By Niamh Michail

Nordic scientists will investigate the link between acrylamide exposure and obesity, diabetes and fertility with a €1.5m grant from the European Research Council (ERC).  

IAG has launched NuBana N200 banana flour that contains a high level of health-beneficial resistant starch. Pic: IAG

Gluten-free green banana flour high in RS2 could cut down waste

By Gill Hyslop

US ingredient technology company, International Agriculture Group (IAG), has launched a clean label green banana flour that contains a high level of resistant starch to capitalize on the growing demand for the dietary fiber and perhaps cut down on banana...


Vegan hard-boiled egg developed by Udine students

By Katy Askew

Students at the University of Udine in Italy have developed a product with the appearance and characteristics of a hard-boiled hen egg that is made entirely from plant-based ingredients.

© iStock/sebastianosecondi

PureCircle targets tailored stevia solutions

By Katy Askew

Stevia manufacturer PureCircle is launching the Sigma X-celerator, a new tool that aims to deliver customised ingredient combinations to its food and beverage customers.

© iStock/Masanyanka

Benefits of high-fibre diet may depend on gut bacteria

By Niamh Michail

A high-fibre Nordic diet may only be effective for losing weight if certain bacteria are present in the gut, say Danish researchers, but manufacturers should still add fibre to processed food thanks to its many other health benefits.

© iStock/Nadore

Flavour pairing with plant proteins: What’s best for your product?

By Niamh Michail

Plant proteins such as hemp, brown rice and pea have complex taste profiles that work best with tailor-made flavours. But it's not always obvious that sulphur pairs well with strawberry...which is why it helps to have a flavourist on board to explain.

Bars retain a chewy texture for 12 months or more in ambient conditions, Arla claims

Whey can extend shelf-life of protein bars

By Noli Dinkovski

The notoriously short shelf-life of protein bars may be a thing of the past thanks to a new whey protein that, according to its maker, can keep them soft for at least a year.

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