
Smartphone use now makes up the majority of screen engagement among young children. A recent study found over one-half of 3 year olds had been given their own tablet. ©iStock

Screen time contributes to Santa-like waistlines: Study

By Will Chu

Gifts given from the heart this Christmas may not be good for waistlines as a study identifies popular presents such smartphones, tablets and video games as contributing to obesity rates in children.

Being overweight before or during pregnancy can determine a child's development ©iStock

Obese parents triple obese offspring risk, experts warn

By Louis Gore-Langton

EarlyNutrition, a project comprised of 36 international research institutions, has released its final report following five years of investigation. The report sends a grave warning to parents and those planning for families on the dangers of parental...

© iStock/Kuvona

Processed & cured meat worsens asthma: Study

By Niamh Michail

A high intake of cured and processed meat can worsen asthma symptoms over time, according to French researchers who used a novel analytical method to take into account obesity as a mediator.

'Industries that are inherently inefficient – like animal agriculture – are ripe for technology-driven disruption, and investors see the writing on the wall,' says the Good Food Institute.  ©iStock

Industrial in vitro: Commercialising lab meat

By Louis Gore-Langton

The spectre of lab-meat has been haunting the meat industry for years but has yet to reach store shelves. We speak to the Good Food Institute to discuss the obstacles in making this happen. 

© World Obesity Federation


‘Yo-yo diet’ weight gain may be caused by gut bacteria

By Nathan GRAY

Rapid post-diet weight gain, often referred to as yo-yo dieting, could be a result of obesogenic gut bacteria which remain even after weight loss, say researchers who hope their findings could help to stop weight gain after dieting.

 Stope targetting

Are you targetting the right 'consumer type' for meat alternatives?

By Nathan Gray

One size does not fit all when marketing meat alternatives, say researchers. Manufacturers need to decide whether they should target price conscious consumers, healthy eaters, taste driven individuals, eco-friendly greens, organic shoppers or vegetarians.

The UK government's obesity report also estimated that the NHS in England spent £5.1 bn (€6 bn) on overweight and obesity-related ill-health in 2014/15. ©iStock/nensuria

Healthy breakfast may prevent childhood obesity

By Will Chu

Missing breakfast and a lack of sleep both appear to accurately predict whether a child will become overweight or obese in later life, a University College London (UCL) study has concluded.

Perceptions of what an 'imperfect' product is can depend on whether the ocnsumer is in the home or at the supermarket.  © iStock

Fighting food waste with the right price discount

By Niamh Michail

Selling wonky vegetables or a dented tin on tomatoes at a discount can help reduce food waste - but the price reduction must be aligned with the product and its flaw, say researchers.

Virtual reality: what does it mean for our industry? Pic:istock/grandeduc

Feature: Virtual reality

How virtual reality is helping create today's beverages

By Rachel Arthur

Virtual reality can be a bit of fun for consumers: offering bonus content via a 3D experience. But behind the scenes in the F&B industry, it has important roles to play in how our beverages are created and made. 

'We encourage others to deposit their own supporting evidence and tools for the benefit of the wider risk assessment community,' says EFSA head. ©iStock/boygovideo

EFSA models transparency with open source ‘Knowledge Junction’

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has made all its models from the last 15 years available on an open source platform called the Knowledge Junction, which also encourages external submissions of data, images and videos that could go on to be used...

FoodSmartphone, MyToolBox, LAMP at RME

dispatches from Rapid Methods Europe

Research round-up: Rapid Methods Europe 2016 special

By Joseph James Whitworth

FoodQualityNews went to Amsterdam to look at the posters that presented a sample of the latest research and work in food safety and quality.

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