
esearchers from the Yakult Central Institute in Japan found mice fed on fermented soymilk showed less skin reddening and skin thickening compared to those fed on regular soymilk. ©iStock

Fermented soymilk isoflavones could cut UV damage

By Eliot Beer

Consuming fermented soymilk products may help protect against ultraviolet radiation damage by increasing the number of isoflavone compounds in the body, according to a study on mice.

'There will be a lot of head scratching and we will have to ask harder questions,' says researcher following disappointing study results. ©iStock/Gajus

Study delivers blow to nutrigenomic hopes – but damage not fatal

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Results of a huge EU-backed project have dashed hopes that phenotypic and genotypic information could boost the effectiveness of personalised nutrition programmes. But one of the researchers behind the project says the findings open as many doors as they...

After a one-year weight maintenance phase, the diet resulted in 6% lower body weight, 10% total body fat and 17% lower abdominal fat. ©

Protein pacing helps weight loss and maintenance: Study

By Eliot Beer

Protein pacing and calorie restriction can result in significant short-term fat loss, and compared to a 'heart-healthy' low cholesterol diet can significantly improve longer term weight management, a study suggests.

'If [the UK government] cuts funding, you might find smaller areas like nutrition will be squeezed for bigger areas of science,' says senior nutrition researcher. ©iStock/MarianVejcik

UK criticised over EU research funding shortfall pledge

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The UK government’s promise to underwrite EU research funding post Brexit is welcome, but ultimately too short term, director of Newcastle University’s Human Nutrition Research Centre has said.

Between 2007 and 2013, the UK got €3.4bn more back from the EU in science funding than it was putting in. So what does this mean for UK science post Brexit? ©iStock/shironosov

Filling a €3.4bn deficit: UK research post Brexit

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Commission has said it is business as usual for UK researcher’s access to EU funding until official Brexit moves are made. Yet concerns persist as reports emerge of Brits already being dropped from EU projects and as long-term plans to plug...

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