
A selection of studies pointed towards eating meals irregularly was linked with an increased risk of a high BMI and blood pressure.(©


You are WHEN you eat: Are guidelines needed for eating times?

By Will Chu

Meal times should be considered in future national dietary guidelines as irregular meal patterns may contribute to a higher BMI and blood pressure than for people who eat at set times with others, say scientists.

Lamberts: N8 AgriFood will explore solutions to food security, agritech and consumer health issues across the supply chain

UK agrifood research programme launched

By Rick Pendrous

The global challenges of ensuring sustainable, resilient and healthy food supplies for all is the focus of the international launch of the N8 AgriFood programme today (June 21).


'radical reassessment' of the low-fat approach needed

More evidence in favour of healthy fats for weight loss

By Niamh Michail

A study published in The Lancet provides more evidence that a low-fat, low-calorie diet is not beneficial for weight loss, while a Mediterranean diet high in healthy fats could help.

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet recommended by official UK guidelines is the wrong approach, according to a The National Obesity Forum. (©

'Food science has been 'corrupted by commercial influences,' slam authors

Government guidelines for low-fat diet 'disastrous' for health: report

By Will Chu

Following a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet, recommended by official UK guidelines, is based on "flawed science" that has had "disastrous" health consequences, according to a report by a UK health charity.

This is the first human evidence that eating artificial sweeteners during pregnancy may increase the risk of early childhood overweight, say the researchers. © iStock

Artificial sweeteners linked to overweight babies

By Nathan GRAY

Consumption of artificially sweetened beverages during pregnancy could double the risk infants being overweight one year after birth, according to new research in mothers.

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