
Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’


Diabetics should be wary of paleo diet ‘hype’

By Gary Scattergood

The Australian Diabetes Society president has said people with type 2 diabetes should be wary of social media hype about the benefits of going on the paleo diet, arguing there have been no trials going beyond 12 weeks.

The novel food application was forwarded onto EFSA after member states expressed concern about the ingredient's long-term impact on blood coagulation. ©iStock/somersault18:24

‘Anti-blood clot’ fermented soybean extract safe, says EFSA

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A fermented soybean extract that claims to help prevent blood clots is safe for use in food supplements, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded following a novel food application from a Japanese company that sparked member state concerns.

At four hours, lactic acid for native Okara was 2.45 fold higher than the control fructo-oligosaccharides. ©iStock/alffoto

Soybean by-product tipped as alternative prebiotic

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

By-product Okara, otherwise known as ‘soy pulp’ or ‘tofu dreg’, is a promising novel prebiotic, according to researchers testing the ingredient in a human gut model. 

The Commission says this is a 'time of transition' when Europe is reducing the use of animal testing thanks to major technological advances. ©iStocktiripero

Archive Article of the Week

From law to labs: EU's tide change for animal experiments

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

With mounting public pressure, the EU has experienced a tide change on the use of animal experiments in recent years. But is this in vitro political will reflected in vivo on lab floors?

Bad Science author Dr Ben Goldacre at the IFT show

Is food marketing awash with bad science? If so, who is to blame?

Dr Ben Goldacre: ‘Does this food cause or prevent cancer? Honestly, there's no need for any more stories like that, they have almost no value’

By Elaine Watson

There was plenty of handwringing at the IFT show this year about the lack of scientific literacy characterizing the debate around food and farming, backed up by scores of press clippings about ‘franken-foods.’ But is the media solely to blame, and what’s...

Can these people be trusted with nutritional advice? ©iStock

Can health pros be trusted with nutritional information?

By Bert Schwitters

If you can't trust 'health professionals' to sift nutrition data, who can you trust? argues EU food law critic Bert Schwitters after a recent ECJ ruling that potentially shifts the meaning of commercial and non-commercial nutritional communication.

Research that enhances compounds contained in broccoli may lead to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). ©iStock

Studies look to enhance broccoli’s ability to ward off disease

By Will Chu

Research that enhances compounds contained in broccoli may lead to a lower risk of coronary heart disease and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), according to two studies that reinforce the vegetable’s reputation as a superfood.

'Whilst dietary recommendations have shifted towards prescribing diets higher in protein for diabetes management, the impact on diabetes prevention remains controversial.' ©iStock

Healthy eating linked with reduced diabetes levels

By Sophie Bruno

Fresh research from years 1-4 of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) rolling programme has investigated the association between anti-inflammatory and antioxidant dietary patterns in reducing the onset of diabetes and looked at carb-protein...

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