
Folic acid: Old women and children first!

Folic acid: Old women and children first!

Look at the globe and you’d be hard pressed to find two countries further apart than Ireland and New Zealand. But they stand side-by-side on the folic acid fortification issue – it is not needed.

Snack Size Science: Hershey’s healthy chocolate cake

Snack Size Science: Hershey’s healthy chocolate cake

By Stephen Daniells

FoodNavigator's Snack Size Science brings you the week's top science every two weeks. This week we look at how to make chocolate cake healthier, and boosting the nutritional profile of gluten-free bread.

Beetroot juice may boost endurance: Study

Beetroot juice may boost endurance: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Consuming beetroot juice may boost stamina and allow people to exercise for up to 16 per cent longer, according to a new study from the UK.

EU health claim rules cast shadow over science kingdom

EU health claim rules cast shadow over science kingdom

By Shane Starling

The 2006 EU nutrition and health claims regulation is putting the brakes on the commissioning of trials to back claims, according to Cédric Bourges-Sevenier, PhD, general manager at French science and regulatory consultancy, Nutraveris.

Snack Size Science: Monkey Methuselahs and soy sauce

Snack Size Science: Monkey Methuselahs and soy sauce

By Stephen Daniells

FoodNavigator's Snack Size Science brings you the week's top science. This week we look at how drastically cutting calories could keep the Grim Reaper at bay, and how soy sauce may have potential in drive to cut salt levels in foods.

Calorie restriction leads to longer life: Study

Calorie restriction leads to longer life: Study

By Stephen Daniells

Restricting the amount of calories we consume, while avoiding malnutrition, may extend lives and reduce the risk of chronic disease, suggest results from a monkey study.

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