
Technical challenges to reducing sugar

Technical challenges to reducing sugar

Tate & Lyle’s manager of sweetener technology development gives insight into the role of sugar beyond providing sweetness, and how to pick alternative sweeteners that build back the properties.

Super fruit expertise opens up super veggie potential

Dispatches from IFT

Super fruit expertise opens up super veggie potential

By Stephen Daniells

Expertise garnered from studying super fruit is opening up possibilities to make super veggies. NZ Plant & Food Research’s Karl Crawford tells Stephen Daniells how the recent merger between HortResearch and Crop & Food Research has opened up new...

A big day for European health claims

A big day for European health claims

Next Monday, June 15, is a big day for the European healthy foods and food supplements industries. Let’s call it Big Monday. Or J15.

Nanotechnology under the microscope

Nanotechnology under the microscope

By Stephen Daniells

Nanotechnology is opening up opportunities in food formulation, food packaging, and food safety. Stephen Daniells talked to Kathy Groves, principal microscopist from Leatherhead, on how the industry is facing up to the challenges and potential.

Round table: The growth of nanotech

Round table: The growth of nanotech

By Stephen Daniells

Food and nutrition is a 'hot spot' for nanotechnology, experts have said. Stephen Daniells talks to two such experts and asks where the developments are, could it really lead to a removal colours from foods, and is nanotech really like GM?

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