Diet & health

Getty/marie martin

Duckweed and green tea found to boost health benefits of Med diet

By Oliver Morrison

A ‘greener’ Mediterranean diet consisting of more vegetables, less meat and topped up with water lentils, walnuts and green tea, may be even better for cardiovascular and metabolic health than the traditional version, suggests research.

Pic: GettyImages/Alexandr Yurtchenko

Rocket science: Why does food taste different in space?

By Flora Southey

Astronauts typically consume only 80% of their daily calorie requirements when in space, which could prove problematic on a long 36-month journey to Mars. Fresh research, which reveals links between food flavour and food intake, could help solve this...

Study: Do consumers see ‘pretty’ food as healthier?

Study: Do consumers see ‘pretty’ food as healthier?

By Mary Ellen Shoup

Food styling is a key marketing tool to make products, dishes, and meals look more appealing and appetizing, but does “pretty” food also impact its perceived healthiness? Preliminary research suggests there may be a link.

Pic: GettyImages/cyano66

How does Nutri-Score impact shoppers’ purchase intentions?

By Flora Southey

A new study out of Belgium has sought to determine the effectiveness of the front-of-pack labelling scheme by asking two key questions: How does Nutri-Score impact the perceived healthiness of a product? And what is its effect on consumer purchase intentions?

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