Diet & health


Can a soda tax discourage ‘go large’?

By Rachel Arthur

Discouraging the sale of ‘jumbo sized’ sugary drinks would have both economic and health benefits, according to a UK study led by the University of East Anglia. Policy interventions – such as soda taxes and portion cap rules – must be carefully designed...

Coca-Cola Christmas truck should be banned, say public health experts

BMJ editorial: ‘Apparently Coca-Cola’s voice counts more than those of directors of public health’

Coca-Cola Christmas truck should be banned, argue public health campaigners

By Rachel Arthur

An editorial published in the journal BMJ this week calls for Coca-Cola’s Christmas truck to be banned as public health campaigners seek to improve children’s health. But Coca-Cola GB has hit back, saying that its tour operates in line with its responsible...

Smartphone use now makes up the majority of screen engagement among young children. A recent study found over one-half of 3 year olds had been given their own tablet. ©iStock

Screen time contributes to Santa-like waistlines: Study

By Will Chu

Gifts given from the heart this Christmas may not be good for waistlines as a study identifies popular presents such smartphones, tablets and video games as contributing to obesity rates in children.

Being overweight before or during pregnancy can determine a child's development ©iStock

Obese parents triple obese offspring risk, experts warn

By Louis Gore-Langton

EarlyNutrition, a project comprised of 36 international research institutions, has released its final report following five years of investigation. The report sends a grave warning to parents and those planning for families on the dangers of parental...

© iStock/Piotr_Malczyk

2016: The year of the sugar tax

By Richard Whitehead, Elaine Watson, Will Chu, Niamh Michail, Louis Gore-Langton, Rachel Arthur

Debate around sugar taxes has hit the limelight this year, with the controversial topic grabbing headlines around the globe.  

“Careful selection of the right cultures in yoghurts and cheeses can potentially eliminate thickeners like carrageenan, or antifungals such as sorbic acid.” ©iStock

Looking to nature for better ‘clean label’ reformulation

By Nathan GRAY

Industry should look closer at nature’s solutions for current reformulation challenges by mapping out all the possible functionalities of ingredients already present in foods, says Dr Aidan Craigwood, consultant at Innovia Technology.

© World Obesity Federation


‘Yo-yo diet’ weight gain may be caused by gut bacteria

By Nathan GRAY

Rapid post-diet weight gain, often referred to as yo-yo dieting, could be a result of obesogenic gut bacteria which remain even after weight loss, say researchers who hope their findings could help to stop weight gain after dieting.

The food industry is reacting to consumers' health concerns over sugar with reformulated products. © iStock

Europe sweetens its NPD with low sugar launches

By Niamh Michail

From soft drinks to yoghurts, snack bars to jams, the low sugar and sugar-free drive is spreading across categories in Europe. We take a look at some of the stand-out successes in new product development (NPD), picked by Mintel's market analysts.

415 million people suffer from diabetes globally, with a growing number living with lifestyle & diet-driven type 2 diabetes.

#WorldDiabetesDay #WDD

World Diabetes Day: 1000 actions to help 400+m people

By Shane Starling

Nearly 1000 actions – from screenings to policy statements to conferences and diet and lifestyle change promotion – are underway in 130+ countries as part of World Diabetes Day.

Sugar Nutrition UK: Born 1964, died 2016

Sugar giants pull trigger on research group

Sugar Nutrition UK: Born 1964, died 2016

By Louis Gore-Langton

50 year-old industry funded research body Sugar Nutrition UK has disbanded citing the need for sugar science to go global.

Tesco started its efforts to reduce sugar in soft drinks in 2011. Pic:iStock/bogdandreava

Tesco reduces sugar in own brand soft drinks

By Rachel Arthur

UK supermarket giant Tesco has reduced the sugar content in its own brand soft drink portfolio, with the reformulated beverages hitting the shelves this week. 

The Childhood Obesity Plan, unveiled by the UK government in August of this year, missed restrictions to junk-food advertising. ©iStock

Obesity plan 'dismantling' leaves bare bones of a strategy

By David Burrows

Details of the UK’s childhood obesity plan as it stood in June – back when David Cameron was Prime Minister and the UK was still debating whether to stay in or leave the EU - were this week revealed on British current affairs programme Dispatches.

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