
Arabica coffee fruits in Ethiopia.

‘This is the first time a coffee extinction risk assessment has been made – and the results are worrying’

‘This causes concern for the future of coffee production’: 60% of wild coffee species threatened with extinction

By Rachel Arthur

New research shows that 60% of all wild coffee species are under threat of extinction due to climate change, deforestation, and fungal pathogens and pests. Furthermore, wild Arabica coffee – the origin of the world’s most popular coffee – is now categorised...

(Image: Getty/slpu9945)

Few UK consumers recognise RSPO logo, but does it matter?

By Flora Southey

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) says it is ‘not surprised’ by findings that just 5% of consumers in the UK recognise its logo, noting that as a voluntary label, “not all companies want to draw attention to an ingredient that is one of many”....

Swedish Temptation's Bärta burger

Split pea start-up targets sustainable tempeh market

By Flora Southey

A Swedish start-up has developed an organic, vegan, gluten-free tempeh made entirely out of split peas, which founder Pia Qvarnström hopes will help consumers transition to a more sustainable diet.

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Roquette looks to plant milk category for future pea potential

By Niamh Michail

French pea protein supplier Roquette believes pea protein could make waves in the booming plant-based dairy alternative category. “It’s a big market, and there’s more innovation to come," says its head of pea protein.


Food for thought

More taxes on unhealthy foods aren’t on the cards… yet

By Katy Askew

Momentum is growing behind calls to impose fiscal sanctions on unhealthy foods. And while such stringent action is not on the immediate horizon that could change if the food industry fails to step up its efforts on reformulation.

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