
© iStock/bhofack

UMFHA tells fake manuka honey to buzz off

By Emma Jane Cash

The Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association (UMFHA) has developed a system that uses compounds to validate manuka honey as genuine, after a rise in fake manuka honey was sold in UK markets.

© iStock

Retailers call for 'smart legislation' on food waste

By Niamh Michail

European retailers have welcomed a draft EU report on food waste, reiterating its calls for for "smart legislation" that incentivises action to prevent food waste in the supply chain.

Silk is harvested from farmed silkworms, which is a costly and time consuming process.©iStock/volkanbys

Swedes spin silk from whey protein

By Will Chu

Whey protein has become the unlikely source for producing artificial silk as researchers have perfected a method that uses nanostructures to form this high-demand material.

© iStock

Acrylamide-free: Does it exist?

By Emma Jane Cash

As one UK snack firm markets its kale crisps as 'acrylamide-free', we talk to a leading researcher on how to reduce the carcinogenic contaminant in different foods and ask: does acrylamide-free' really exist?

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