
'There are several incorrectly qualified and labelled products [because] the supervisory authorities do not have specific and adequate measures to regulate this kind of behaviour,' said de Castro. © iStock/Kuvona

MEPs oppose plant-based alternatives using meat terms

By Niamh Michail

The battle over plant-based terminology has moved into the meat arena with two Italian MEPs calling for laws to prevent vegetarian alternatives from using names such as prosciutto and mortadella.

© iStock/pichet_w

New FoodConnects partnership to tackle global food challenges

By Niamh Michail

FoodConnects, a consortium of 50 industry and academic institutions from 13 different countries, has been selected by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) to tackle global food challenges through a €400m innovation partnership.

The food industry is reacting to consumers' health concerns over sugar with reformulated products. © iStock

Europe sweetens its NPD with low sugar launches

By Niamh Michail

From soft drinks to yoghurts, snack bars to jams, the low sugar and sugar-free drive is spreading across categories in Europe. We take a look at some of the stand-out successes in new product development (NPD), picked by Mintel's market analysts.

 Stope targetting

Are you targetting the right 'consumer type' for meat alternatives?

By Nathan Gray

One size does not fit all when marketing meat alternatives, say researchers. Manufacturers need to decide whether they should target price conscious consumers, healthy eaters, taste driven individuals, eco-friendly greens, organic shoppers or vegetarians.

The UK government's obesity report also estimated that the NHS in England spent £5.1 bn (€6 bn) on overweight and obesity-related ill-health in 2014/15. ©iStock/nensuria

Healthy breakfast may prevent childhood obesity

By Will Chu

Missing breakfast and a lack of sleep both appear to accurately predict whether a child will become overweight or obese in later life, a University College London (UCL) study has concluded.

FoodWatch opposes the proposed logo, saying it will create a two-tier system for consumers and normalise poor rearing conditions.© iStock/Songqiuju

Germany's proposed animal welfare logo meets opposition

By Niamh Michail

Germany's plan to introduce a voluntary animal welfare logo, starting with pork products, has been met with opposition from groups saying good animal husbandry should be mandatory for all meat and dairy products.

Perceptions of what an 'imperfect' product is can depend on whether the ocnsumer is in the home or at the supermarket.  © iStock

Fighting food waste with the right price discount

By Niamh Michail

Selling wonky vegetables or a dented tin on tomatoes at a discount can help reduce food waste - but the price reduction must be aligned with the product and its flaw, say researchers.

FoodSmartphone, MyToolBox, LAMP at RME

dispatches from Rapid Methods Europe

Research round-up: Rapid Methods Europe 2016 special

By Joseph James Whitworth

FoodQualityNews went to Amsterdam to look at the posters that presented a sample of the latest research and work in food safety and quality.

© iStock/Marilyena

ScenoProt gives a preview of Northern Europe's protein preferences

By Niamh Michail

Why do Finns give more importance to protein than Swedes? Are Germans more willing to eat an all vegetarian meal than Brits? And among the 13% of Europeans who have tried insects, how many would eat them again? Finland's ScenoProt survey is providing...

'I’m not in love with RSPO but nevertheless one has to admit that it has done a lot of good work over the last 12 years,' said United Plantations chief executive director, Carl Bek-Nielsen. © iStock/slpu9945

'Let me be frank: No other broad certification scheme for a sustainable agricultural crop goes as far as RSPO for palm oil.'

United Plantations chief defends RSPO

By Niamh Michail

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is battling a number of issues, from its own members adding 'palm oil-free labels' on product packaging to calls at an EU level to strengthen its certification criteria. But according to United Plantations...

415 million people suffer from diabetes globally, with a growing number living with lifestyle & diet-driven type 2 diabetes.

#WorldDiabetesDay #WDD

World Diabetes Day: 1000 actions to help 400+m people

By Shane Starling

Nearly 1000 actions – from screenings to policy statements to conferences and diet and lifestyle change promotion – are underway in 130+ countries as part of World Diabetes Day.

Sugar Nutrition UK: Born 1964, died 2016

Sugar giants pull trigger on research group

Sugar Nutrition UK: Born 1964, died 2016

By Louis Gore-Langton

50 year-old industry funded research body Sugar Nutrition UK has disbanded citing the need for sugar science to go global.

Haze from Indonesia's forest fires last year spread to neighbouring countries, such as Krabi, Thailand, and has returned this year. © iStock/NuttKomo

Palm oil industry under fire as Indonesia’s haze drama continues

By Rick Beckmann & Kresna Panggabean

Haze from slash-and-burn agricultural has returned to Southeast Asia this year. Is it enough to wait for regulators to bring the (mainly palm oil) culprits to justice? Asian resource legal experts Rick Beckmann and Kresna Panggabean enter the storm.

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