
Industry welcomes EU novel foods revision

Industry welcomes EU novel foods revision

By Niamh Michail

The revised European Union novel foods regulation will stimulate innovation and give consumers more sustainable, affordable food choices, says industry trade group, FoodDrinkEurope.

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

FiE 2015 preview: Innovation scanner

By Niamh Michail

With over 1000 companies exhibiting at Food Ingredients Europe in Paris from 1 to 3 December, FoodNavigator takes a sneak preview at just some of the companies that will be there and the products they will be showcasing.

The better for you (BFY) category has been a victim of the clean label and reformulation trends, says Euromonitor

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The state of the health and wellness market in 2015

By Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International

Is organic still selling? Does the 'natural' trend mean fortified/functional food is now passé? And why are consumers turning their noses up at better for you (BFY) offerings? Ewa Hudson, head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International,...

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

Glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer, says EFSA

By Niamh Michail

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded that glyphosate, a herbicide used on food crops, is unlikely to cause cancer and recommends raising safety levels.

'Policy makers need wholly new approach to the management of EU spending and investm​​ent,' says European Court of Auditors report

EU misspent €6.3bn in 2014

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The EU misspent €6.3bn in 2014 overall, according to a report from the European Court of Auditors that called for change. 

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

Junk food dominates marketing landscape in Scotland: study

By David Burrows

Nearly three quarters of the food and drink marketing seen by children in Scotland is for junk food, according to new research that the Scottish Government will use to push for stricter UK-wide advertising rules.

Free-from markets offer high margins, meaning increasing numbers of dairies want to offer lactose-free products. The LactoMonitor is a quick, cost-effective way to get started, says Martin Lindegaard at Novozymes.

New tool detects lactose content in seconds

By Niamh Michail

Novozymes has launched a tool to quickly detect the lactose content of milk, allowing producers in emerging markets without costly lab equipment to tap into the free-from trend. 

Spanish watchdog upholds 'questionable' sugar claim

By Niamh Michail

A Spanish advertising watchdog has upheld a ‘no added sugar’ claim for a dessert containing sweetened chocolate – a questionable interpretation and clear breach of EU law, warn food lawyers.

Newly appointed CEO, Antoine de Saint-Affrique, praised the company's


Barry Callebaut sees profits fall despite sales growth

By Niamh Michail

Barry Callebaut lowers its growth outlook and predicts a challenging year ahead as high cocoa prices and high finance requirements hit 2014/2015 profits - despite solid sales growth.

Retail group FCD says its label is

French retailers unveil alternative nutrition label

By Niamh Michail

French retailers have unveiled an alternative 'simplified' nutrition label which rivals the five-coloured label and banishes the red traffic light that they cast as discriminatory against certain foods.

Tate & Lyle launch Middle Eastern recipes with a healthier twist

Gulfood Manufacturing 2015, Dubai

Tate & Lyle launch Middle Eastern recipes with a healthier twist

By Jenny Eagle

Tate & Lyle launched a menu of Middle Eastern recipes with a healthier twist at Gulfood Manufacturing, in Dubai last week (October 27–29) to tackle the growing number of consumers in the region who are concerned about rising obesity levels.

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

EU sugar reform will damage public health, warn researchers

By Niamh Michail

The EU sugar reform will harm public health by flooding the market with cheap sugar and tempting manufacturers to reformulate – an agricultural policy that takes into account public health is needed, say researchers.

Is RSPO certification becoming irrelevant?

By Niamh Michail

Companies are increasingly demanding certified palm oil using criteria that are stricter than current RSPO standards – does the mean the RSPO certification is in danger of becoming irrelevant?

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

People in Sweden fall into one of three dietary camps - a ‘healthy dietary’, ‘Swedish traditional’ or 'light-meal' pattern - a national dietary survey of 1740 adults has found.

Wessanen reports strong Q3 results

Wessanen reports strong Q3 results

By Niamh Michail

Dutch food group Wessanen has reported strong Q3 results which it puts down to a consumer shift away from ‘Big Food’ towards healthy and sustainable food.

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

Public Health England report: Key points and reactions

By Niamh Michail

"No single action will be effective in reducing sugar intakes," concludes Public Health England's report which recommends cutting price promotions, junk food advertising and setting a sugar tax. We look at some reactions to the findings.

“We think there could be bigger impacts from getting a handle on promotions and (...) the deep, consistent advertising our children are exposed to on unhealthy foods,” Tedstone said.

Public Health England tells UK government: Sugar taxes do work

By Niamh Michail

All the evidence shows that sugar taxes decrease purchases and curb obesity– but restricting price promotions and junkfood advertising could have an even bigger impact, concludes Public Health England's report to the UK government.

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