
We may reach the WHO's 5 g target in 30 or 40 years, claimed Cappuccio

Challenges remain for salt reduction: Expert forum


The UK’s salt reduction programme has been hugely successful – but it has challenges ahead, according to experts speaking at FoodNavigator’s Salt Reduction Forum last week.

Food safety risks should not be overlooked when reforumating foods to combat Britain's obesity epidemic, said Dr Sarah Stringer

Food safety conference

Beware food safety impact of reformulation

By Michael Stones

Small-scale food manufacturers have been warned to beware the food safety consequences of reformulating their products to remove salt, sugar and fat.

Pesticides: vital tool or threat to food security and the environment?

Food prices would rocket if pesticides banned

By Michael Stones

Food prices would rocket if pesticides were banned or their use severely restricted, according to the National Farmers Union (NFU); a claim hotly disputed by environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth (FoE).

The livestock industry needs food producers, retailers and consumers to show cooperation and a willingness to pay for products produced with a reduced environmental impact, say the researchers.

Food labels could reduce livestock environmental impacts

By Nathan Gray

The use of ‘single-focus’ labels on food products could be a small change that leads to a big difference in reducing the environmental impacts of livestock on water availability, say researchers.

The exact impact of food 'sin' taxes on the European agri-food sector needs to be further assessed, says Commission

What’s top on the Commission’s food forum agenda?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The impact of ‘sin taxes’ on competitiveness and consumption habits, food prices, and sustainability were the key points on the agenda for the European Commission’s High Level Forum for a Better Functioning Food Supply Chain.

Companies cannot rely on a Europe-wide view, says Ingredion

Clean label trumps brands in Europe, says report

By Paul Gander

The ingredient list and a lack of additives or ‘artificial’ ingredients are the most important considerations for consumers when making a food purchase after price, says a new report on clean label in Europe.

Sugar-sweetened beverages do not easily fit within a healthy diet, says Anderson

Food industry must slash sugar – not just tinker


Food industry ‘tinkering’ with sugar content while foods and drinks remain relatively high in sugar may detract from more basic sugar reduction strategies, warns a public health expert.

The UK has been dubbed 'the fat man of Europe'

Government policies should pass an ‘obesity test’


All new UK government policies should be considered in the context of rising obesity rates in an effort to reverse the trend, urges a report from independent think tank 2020health.

Don't miss the FoodNavigator debate on salt reduction on October 15.

Salt reduction roadmap: FoodNavigator forum this week

By Nathan Gray

Salt reduction remains a key challenge for many in the food industry. Join our team of salt reduction and policy experts on Wednesday, October 15th to discuss where current efforts can be improved, and what the future holds.

Commission was wrong to separate med agency and EFSA: MEP

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The Commission was wrong to separate the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), nutrient profiles are unconvincing and the threat of botanical court action is unsurprising, a Member of the European Parliament (MEP)...

Novel food proposals

Does 'history of safe consumption' mean foods are safe?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Proposals to create a separate process for novel food approval from countries outside of the EU will not see the market flooded with unsafe foods, a European Commission official told a concerned audience at a European Parliament workshop.

Cassava could be used in a similar way to corn to provide starch sweeteners

Cassava shapes up as an alternative source for starch sweeteners

By Paul Gander

New research led by Du Pont Industrial Biosciences concludes that enzyme technology currently used with maize and wheat could be applied far more widely to cassava root starch to produce sweeteners such as glucose, fructose and maltose.

Manufacturers' commitments are driving uptake, the RSPO says

Market uptake surges for RSPO-certified palm oil


RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil now accounts for 18% of the total global palm oil market, up from 15% last year, according to the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Pathfinder reflects the company’s aim to explore new roads to sustainability without having to apply a rigid model, said the president of Naturex's sustainability committee.

Naturex seeks new sustainability pathways

By Anna Bonar

A year after publishing its 'Sustainability Principles' Naturex reveals its targets for the coming years in the 'Pathfinder', the company’s sustainability report.

FoodNavigator 2015: What’s on our editorial calendar?

FoodNavigator 2015: What’s on our editorial calendar?


From developments in fats and flavours, to the latest trends in fighting obesity, food for kids, and protein, FoodNavigator's special editions calendar for 2015 spans the hottest topics for the European food and drink industry.

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