
Image: iStock/elenachaykina

Sugar taxes work even among poor… just: study

By Oliver Morrison

Sugary drink consumption in Chile fell nearly a quarter after the country introduced a raft of regulatory measures on foods high in sugar, fat, salt and calorie content. The affect was slightly greater among middle and high socioeconomic groups.


NPD trend tracker: From local snacking to super cereals

By Katy Askew

From locally sourced snacking innovation to functional muesli that aims to reinvigorate a declining category, FoodNavigator brings you a weekly round-up of on-trend innovations hitting the shelves across Europe.

Pic: iStock/thodonal

Healy leverages cocoa shells for natural sugar reduction

By Katy Askew

Healy Group, the Ireland-based ingredient supplier, has developed a process to turn cocoa shells – an otherwise under-utilised by-product of cocoa production – into a micronised cocoa fibre that can help with sugar reduction in chocolate.

Image source: GettyImages/Samara Heisz

Can coronavirus be transmitted via imported food?

By Flora Southey

Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has claimed 425 lives in China to date, prompting concerns that food imported to Europe from Hubei Province and affected regions could be infected.

The Italian Way considers the US a ‘mature and conscious’ market for Italian beverage exports.

Italy eyes the US beverage market for health-conscious, eco customers

By Beth Newhart

American consumers are increasingly looking for products with a focus on simple, high-quality ingredients and sustainability. And a group of Italian companies believe their products are ready to meet these demands: with their drinks on show at the Winter...

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