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BfR anthrax assessment after Germany recalls beef

BfR says anthrax risk is ‘unlikely’

By Joseph James Whitworth

Beef has been recalled in Germany due to anthrax concerns but the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) has said the risk of a health hazard is ‘unlikely’.

Zero-calorie sweeteners: There's not enough human evidence to warrant new advice

Do zero-calorie sweeteners increase diabetes risk?


“Artificial sweeteners may boost diabetes risk” ran the headline in the New York Times last month – but experts have said to take recent research with a pinch of salt.

Dr. Monika Tönnießen

Mineral oil components in food and food packaging

By Dr. Monika Tönnießen

‘Food safety is one of the key topics of the food and related industries. Paper and cardboard, for example, constitute two significant food packaging materials.

Peanut is a common allergy

Allergy 'control to cure' focus of FAAM event

By Joseph James Whitworth

Key areas of focus in patient control, prevention and cure were highlighted during the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting (FAAM), according to a presenter at the event.

The HealthBread looked at ingredients and processing methods to improve the nutritional profile of breads

Exclusive talk with HealthBread project leader

HealthBread plans association to commercialize concepts

By Kacey Culliney

The EU HealthBread project wants to form an association by the end of the year to drive commercialization of its healthy bread technologies and concepts across Europe.

Japan Livestock would like to double the number of factories producing EU-approved Wagyu Beef

Japanese plan to raise wagyu sales in EU

By Oli Haenlein

Following the EU removal of a ban on imports of Japanese beef, the Asian country is looking to increase sales of the speciality meat Europe, as well as obtaining EU approval for more Japanese plants. 

Understanding elderly people's emotions about eating could help develop more tailored communication strategies and products, the researchers said

Emotional eating: How do the elderly feel about food?


The food industry is failing to tailor foods to the elderly – and recognising their various needs and wants could help companies develop more successful products, according to a new study.

Premier is dramatically pumping cash into branded marketing for the final quarter of the year

Premier Foods’s branded sales dip in third quarter

By Rod Addy

Premier Foods saw branded value sales fall in its third financial quarter (Q3) as the maker of Mr Kipling cakes and Ambrosia desserts was stung by supermarkets losing share to discounters.

Infratab shelf life sensors software freshness

Special Edition: shelf life

How fresh is it? Smart sensors quantify stages of shelf life

By Rachel Arthur

Researchers have developed smart sensors and software to measure and quantify how fresh food is, offering information such as the period of best flavor, highest nutritional value, and days left after opening. 

We may reach the WHO's 5 g target in 30 or 40 years, claimed Cappuccio

Challenges remain for salt reduction: Expert forum


The UK’s salt reduction programme has been hugely successful – but it has challenges ahead, according to experts speaking at FoodNavigator’s Salt Reduction Forum last week.

Global beef exports are expected to increase by 1.7% next year

Modest expansion predicted for global meat trade in 2015

By Georgi Gyton

Exports of beef, pork and broiler meat are expected to see a rise next year, according to the latest biannual report from the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service – Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade.

food safety crossword

FDA to hold public meeting on key FSMA proposed rules

By Heidi Parsons

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced it will hold a public meeting Nov. 13 to discuss potential changes to four proposed rules associated with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

FVO audited The Netherlands control of fishery products

FVO finds shortcomings in Dutch fish products control

By Joseph James Whitworth

The Netherlands has a control system for fish products but addressing shortcomings in sampling for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), additives and histamine could improve it, found a Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) audit.

Food safety risks should not be overlooked when reforumating foods to combat Britain's obesity epidemic, said Dr Sarah Stringer

Food safety conference

Beware food safety impact of reformulation

By Michael Stones

Small-scale food manufacturers have been warned to beware the food safety consequences of reformulating their products to remove salt, sugar and fat.

Pesticides: vital tool or threat to food security and the environment?

Food prices would rocket if pesticides banned

By Michael Stones

Food prices would rocket if pesticides were banned or their use severely restricted, according to the National Farmers Union (NFU); a claim hotly disputed by environmental pressure group Friends of the Earth (FoE).

GAO said USDA needs to strengthen its approach

USDA can do more to safeguard poultry products – GAO

By Joseph James Whitworth

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) must develop more performance measures for Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination in poultry products, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

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