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Pizza has become global - but cheese making is still difficult in some areas

KMC eyes Middle Eastern promise for imitation cheese ingredients


Starch specialist KMC says it has developed two new starches for imitation cheese to cut costs and bring hard cheese alternatives to parts of the world where dairy ingredients may be difficult to handle or source, including the Middle East and North Africa.

Horsemeat scandal continues in Baltic countries

Horsemeat scandal continues in Baltic countries

By Vladislav Vorotnikov and Carina Perkins

Horsemeat has again been discovered in beef by-products produced in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, with as much as 15% horsemeat found in some products. Previously, only traces of horse DNA had been detected in the region.

Industry has welcomed the EU initiative to boost sustainable business

EC aims to simplify 'confusing' green claims

By Kacey Culliney

The complexity and variety of 'green' initiatives for products in the EU has prompted a new initiative to create a single market for eco-claims, says the European Commission (EC).

EFSA: Campylobacter and E.coli cases rise

EFSA: Campylobacter and E.coli cases rise

By Rod Addy

Numbers of EU consumers contracting Campylobacter and E.coli food poisoning are increasing, with the data on E.coli particularly worrying, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

BPA under the microscope in Europe

BPA report conclusions “concerning”, says PlasticsEurope

By Joseph James Whitworth

The French Health Authority’s report that Bisphenol A (BPA) poses health risks for pregnant women and unborn children is “in contrast with the most recent global scientific consensus”, according to an industry group.

Photo copyright didbygraham/flickr

ASDA finds bute in corned beef

By Joseph James Whitworth

UK retail giant Asda has recalled a range of its ‘smart price’ corned beef after it was found to contain phenylbutazone (or bute).

Russian land-use report to justify meat subsidies

Russian land-use report to justify meat subsidies

By Vladislav Vorotnikov

Three-quarters of Russia’s territory is unsuitable for any type of agriculture, including meat production, according to a new report from the country’s Ministry of Agriculture.

Meat eaters produce gut bacteria to metabolise carnitine, while vegans produce much less

Red meat and heart disease: L-carnitine linked to increased risk

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

High intakes of red meat repeatedly have been linked to heart disease, but new research suggests that along with saturated fat and certain preservatives, l-carnitine is another red meat constituent that may contribute to cardiovascular risk.

Barry Callebaut half year 2013 results

Lower cocoa prices dent Callebaut profits

By Oliver Nieburg

Barry Callebaut has reported a slight dip in half-year profits as lower cocoa prices meant customers were paying less for the company’s range of cocoa ingredients compared to last year.

Tyson Food settlement in relation to refrigerant violations

Tyson to pay $4m penalty to settle EPA case

By Joseph James Whitworth

Tyson Foods will pay almost $4m in civil penalties in relation to eight accidental releases of anhydrous ammonia which resulted in one death, multiple injuries and property damage over four years.

Looking at the whole supply chain could improve environmental and financial returns

Better understanding of consumption to help target eco strategies

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Nestlé and UK supermarkets Sainsbury’s and the Cooperative Group have entered into a pilot project to improve the environmental performance of some of their products, say the project’s organisers at the Product Sustainability Forum (PSF).

Export certification for US Egg-Containing food products

Egg exporters offered program to certify practices

By Joseph James Whitworth

A US program has being developed to certify exporters of egg-containing products to ensure they operate in adequate manufacturing practices and under sanitary conditions.

FOSS enhances fat analysis capabilities

Fat analysis just got smarter

By Rod Addy

Product analysis expert FOSS has launched a total fat analyser that it claims combines convenience and safety and saves on both costs and labour time.

ChemSec wants there to be third party participation in REACH authorisation process

NGOs call for third party role in REACH

By Joseph James Whitworth

A group of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have called for third party participation in the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances (REACH) process.

Multiple emulsions backed for functional food development

Multiple emulsions backed for functional food development

By Nathan Gray

Better use of multiple emulsion systems could help industry to develop better functional foods by reducing levels of fat, sugar and salt whilst also providing ways to incorporate bioactive compounds, researchers say.

US expresses concern over trade barriers

US expresses concern over trade barriers

By Carina Perkins

Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) trade barriers imposed by emerging economies such as China and Russia are posing a serious impediment to US livestock and meat exports, according to a report by the Office of the US Trade Representative.

Food-grade sorghum confirmed safe for celiac sufferers - backed with genetic and biochemical evidence

Sorghum is celiac-safe: Study

By Kacey Culliney

The cereal grain sorghum is a safe food for consumers with celiac disease and therefore ideal for gluten-free formulations, new research finds.

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