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Super spud!

Super spud!

Baked, creamed, hashed, fried or sauteed - however it comes, the
humble potato is up there in the number one glory spot as America's
favourite vegetable. But this all time fave is a vulnerable sort,
with tuber defects a regular...

Thumbs up for fortification

Thumbs up for fortification

Anaemic adults and children cost developing countries billions of
dollars in lost productivity, according to a recent study. The
authors stress that the payback of iron fortification could be
tremendous for a country's economy.

Ministers debate CAP

Ministers debate CAP

Meeting in Brussels this week under the umbrella of the Agriculture
Council, European agriculture ministers hammered out the latest
issues affecting agriculture in Europe. Food safety and CAP reform
headlined the event.

Tipples tackle dementia

Tipples tackle dementia

Adults at least 65 years old, who consume between one and six
alcoholic drinks each week, have a lower risk of dementia than
those who do not drink, according to new findings published in the
Journal of the American Medical Association...

EFSA: the right flavour?

EFSA: the right flavour?

Geoffrey Podger, the recently elected executive director of the
European Food Safety Authority, this week gave the green light for
the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration to evaluate flavours
for an EU-wide initiative that is...

Investment in gum tech

Investment in gum tech

Danish chewing gum company Gumlink, formerly known as Dandy,
announced this week that it will invest $7.69 million (€7.24m) in a
new research and development facility in Vejle, Denmark.

Health: EU moves up a gear

Health: EU moves up a gear

The high profile issue of health continues to grab the spotlight
with the news yesterday that the European Commission is to pour
€312m into a new action programme 'to protect and improve the
health of Europe's citizens'.

Omega on the farm...

Omega on the farm...

As the questioning consumer continues to show concern over the
safety of food products and notably the use of antibiotics in farm
animals, new research could offer a healthy alternative to boost
the immunity system of pigs - fish...

Migros to add more brands

Migros to add more brands

Migros, the Swiss co-operative retailer, has announced that it is
to extend the range of branded food and non-food products it sells
to include some of the biggest names in the consumer goods

Cognis F&S to Japan

Cognis F&S to Japan

Nutritional ingredients business Cognis continues to concentrate on
core activities with the announcement this week that it has sold
its Fragrances & Specialties business (Cognis F&S) to
Japanese speciality chemicals business...

Acatris attracts men

Acatris attracts men

Food and health ingredients company Acatris will use this year's
Vitafoods exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland as a platform to tackle
men's issues with the launch of its new product, LinumLife.

US takes the biscuit...

US takes the biscuit...

Confirming reports from the European Commission yesterday that the
European consumer is sceptical about food-related biotechnologies,
are the findings of a joint UK-US study into GE biscuits.
Researchers found European shoppers to...

Oat juice, anyone?

Oat juice, anyone?

Will we shortly be able to pluck an oat juice from the supermarket
shelf? The answer is, yes perhaps, as evidence continues of the
benefits of soluble dietary fibre.

Flavours forge forward

Flavours forge forward

The new merger between Haarmann & Reimer and Dragoco, to be
known as 'Symrise', is thought to be capable of sales of €1,245
million. How does Danisco flavours, aiming to become the world's
number five, plan to compete?

The obesity epidemic

The obesity epidemic

As western nations draw up strategies to combat the growing number
of starving people in the developing world - currently standing at
a staggering 800 million and growing - a British based group warns
this week that, at the other...

Enzyme to remove bitterness

Enzyme to remove bitterness

A food scientist in the United States has developed a new
technology to tackle an old problem in cheesemaking - bitterness.
The solution - that hinges on an enzyme - could ultimately lead to
a reduction in costs for cheesemakers.

Balancing price and quality

Balancing price and quality

Reflecting continuing concerns over the direction of the US
economy, consumers are twice as likely to consider price as a
reason for purchasing a brand name product as they were a year ago,
according to a survey released last week...

Delhaize hit by dollar dip

Delhaize hit by dollar dip

Troubles at its US operations, exacerbated by the weakness of the
dollar, took their toll on 2002 results at Belgian retailer
Delhaize. A major refit and cost reduction programme in the US
should lead to an improvement this year,...

Soy impact on reproduction?

Soy impact on reproduction?

Is it possible that soy foods could influence human reproductive
development? A new study released this week reports that male rats
whose mothers were fed diets containing genistein - a chemical
found in soybeans - developed abnormal...

SCF reviews carrageenan

SCF reviews carrageenan

The European Commission's Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) has
released its opinion on the safety of carrageenan, mainly in
response to work published by Tobacman in October 2001, reports
Reading Scientific Services this week.

Natural patents

Natural patents

Last week we reported on a new survey that revealed the growing
popularity of natural colours. Good news for ingredients companies
such as Danish Chr.Hansen who announced this week that the United
States Patent and Trademark Office...

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