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Tagatose on the fast track

Tagatose on the fast track

As scientists warn the western world about the health implications
of eating too much sugar, food manufacturers and food/beverage
processors are reconsidering the additives they use in their
products and what alterations need to be...

Is Ahold right for Tesco?

Is Ahold right for Tesco?

Ahold's much publicised financial concerns have prompted
speculation that Europe's second largest food retail group could
become a potential takeover target. Both Carrefour and Tesco have
been linked to the Dutch group,...

BNF responds to health claims

BNF responds to health claims

Commenting on last month's request from the European Commission for
feedback on proposals to amend legislation on nutrition labelling,
the British Nutrition Foundation highlights the fact that the
current list of vitamins and...

Online acrylamide

Online acrylamide

As promised last year, the European Commission is now offering
online access to a new database that compiles research efforts on
several topics related to the issue of acrylamide in food.

Tough times for Spanish wine

Tough times for Spanish wine

Exports of Spanish wine grew by less than 1 per cent last year in
both volume and value, according to the latest data. And at home
the situation is even worse, with consumption there continuing its
unrelenting decline.

Advisory Forum inauguration

Advisory Forum inauguration

Last week we reported on the distinctly sloth-like installation of
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), but newly installed
executive director of the EFSA, Geoffrey Podger, reports that the
first meeting of its Advisory Forum...

Mine's a cuppa

Mine's a cuppa

Evidence continues to mount in favour of the consumption of white
and green tea with the publication of findings from a new study
that suggest these teas provide as much protection against colon
tumours as the well recognised, and...

EFSA - losing credibility?

EFSA - losing credibility?

The new European Food Safety Authority is still without a home and
under the menace of a reduced budget. A decision on the location is
urgently needed otherwise credibility is at risk, claims Lasse
Skovby Rasmusson, vice president...

Unity to combat food safety

Unity to combat food safety

On the same day that we report on the slow installation of the
European Food Safety Authority - suffering from a lack of unity at
a European level - the UK Food and Drink Federation (FDF) gives a
clear sign that it believes unity...

Whey to go...

Whey to go...

US supplier of applied protein sciences Proliant and Trega Foods, a
manufacturer of cheese and dairy-based ingredients, have announced
a joint venture for the production and marketing of whey protein

GM testing for baby food

GM testing for baby food

Consumers in Europe are increasingly concerned about risks derived
from genetically modified (GM) foods. New proposals tabled by the
European Commission aim to meet these concerns and propose to
regulate the labelling of food products...

GM foods: the way forward?

GM foods: the way forward?

As the GM debate takes to the road in the UK this week with
promises of consumer feedback via conferences and meetings, here
below we have selected an article by Lyndsey Greig of market
analysts Frost & Sullivan that takes a closer...

Is that water safe?

Is that water safe?

For food and beverage companies, testing water samples for the
presence of coliforms is one of the most important preventative
measures in the battle against outbreaks of harmful bacteria. In
response to growing demand for solutions,...

Less salt please...

Less salt please...

The consumer desire to reduce salt intake, combined with increasing
criticism of the food industry with regards to the generous use of
salt in processed foods, is leading ingredients companies to
develop low salt alternatives.

Upping the cranberry stakes

Upping the cranberry stakes

US cranberry juice producer Northland Cranberries has expressed an
interest in making a bid for the juice business of rival Ocean
Spray. But the latter group has chosen to see the bid as just that
- an expression of interest - rather...

Corn milk, the next UHT?

Corn milk, the next UHT?

The CP Crop Integration Business Group (CPCI), a subsidiary of
Thailand's largest conglomerate, the Charoen Pokphand Group, plans
to switch to producing UHT corn milk, instead of pasteurised corn
milk, aiming to extend shelf...

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