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Connecting consumer and farm

Connecting consumer and farm

As discussions continue at a European level on the proposed new
reform to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), farmers in the UK
are to launch a cross-industry campaign that aims to bridge the gap
between consumer and producer.

Understanding Vitamin A

Understanding Vitamin A

Why can vitamin A help immune systems to fight back when under
attack by some food-poisoning organisms but not, for example, the
common cold? Researchers in the US try to unravel the mystery.

Fishing for health

Fishing for health

Moves to further investigate the impact of fish consumption on
heart health have been undertaken in a new study by Edinburgh
university in Scotland.

Our amazing internal world

Our amazing internal world

New insights about the foundations of our health could soon be
revealed thanks to the recent completion of the genome sequence of
one of the most prevalent bacteria that live in the human intestine
- Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron.

Fish to help food safety

Fish to help food safety

Improving food safety 'the natural way' would certainly appeal to
the increasingly health vigilant consumer. Scientists in the UK
have been looking at a variety of natural antimicrobials that could
extend food shelf-life...

GM trials, wasted time?

GM trials, wasted time?

Are recent trials in the UK on genetically modified crops a sham ?
A new analysis published by environmental group Friends of the
Earth yesterday suggests that the four year long evaluations
'will fail to provide any conclusive...

The perfect weight

The perfect weight

Dieting and over-eating - two potent issues at the heart of today's
health driven society. One slice of the population - women - is
particularly bombarded by images of the ideal weight. But exactly
how much energy do they actually...

C to combat arthritis

C to combat arthritis

Evidence keeps on mounting to suggest that fruit and vegetables are
good for our health. New research from the UK suggests that upping
the intake of vitamin C consumption could help prevent arthritis.

UK food gets 5-a-day logo

UK food gets 5-a-day logo

Will the launch of a new logo help UK consumers gain a clearer
understanding of the 5-a-day scheme? Well, possibly, but there is
still a long way to go before the average Briton has a clear
picture of just what constitutes a portion...

Building nests in the EU

Building nests in the EU

The new and emerging science and technology (NEST) programme from
the European Commission is an opportunity for the research
community to communicate what is important, said William Cannell,
head of unit for NEST in the Commission's...

Olive scanning

Olive scanning

A specially developed scanning technology for olive producers has
helped to improve harvest quality and predictability, claims Danish
safety systems provider Foss.

Hope for CAP

Hope for CAP

Decoupling would secure significant income gains for EU farmers,
writes the European Commission this week. The comment on the link
between production and subsidy - so called 'decoupling' - is in
response to the release of...

P is for...people

P is for...people

Dutch life science company presented its sustainable strategy
yesterday and emphasised the company's progress in the fields of
'People, Planet and Profit' through a new medium - the 'Triple P'

US ingredients for CSM

US ingredients for CSM

Dutch ingredients company CSM completes the acquisition of Carpro,
increasing its market penetration in North America. The acquisition
of Carpro - a US manufacturer of bakery supplies in the United
States - brings the H.C. Brill and...

Enterococci - what a family!

Enterococci - what a family!

Understanding the enterococci bacteria family - mostly found in
non-heat treated foods - formed the prime objective of a recent
European funded project. Primary objective? To investigate the
relationships between food, veterinarian...

EFSA, the way forward

EFSA, the way forward

'A landmark meeting' is how Stuart Slorach, the chairman of the
European Food Safety Agency board described the first presentation
of their newly elected executive director, Geoffrey Podger.

Stick with the veggies

Stick with the veggies

Can fruit really reduce the risk of death from cancer? According to
an extensive study in Japan, daily or almost daily fruit
consumption was associated with a significant 12 per cent reduction
in total cancer mortality.

Tackling 'Generation Y'

Tackling 'Generation Y'

How to tackle 'Generation Y', or the 'Net generation', and even
'tribal groups'? Such an array of segmentation, far from benefiting
marketers, is limiting their ability to consistently target the

Pectin power

Pectin power

Food ingredients giant Danisco invests further in Mexico, and
pectin, with the announcement this week that is to construct a DKK
40 million production plant for speciality pectin in Tecomán,

Ringing in the changes...

Ringing in the changes...

Enzymes, wholegrains and esters are on the agenda as newly formed
food safety agency Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
continues to tackle the Food Standards Code with the
invitation this week for public comment on a number...

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