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5-a-day? More like one!

5-a-day? More like one!

It's official - despite massive efforts to promote the 5-a-day
message - the average UK consumer is still not eating enough fruit
and veg. According to a national survey, less than one in seven
people eat the recommended five...

Fat-fighting oil from ADM

Fat-fighting oil from ADM

Eating food cooked with oil need not be as unhealthy as it was
before, claims US agribusiness giant ADM. The company has just
launched a new cooking oil which it claims can help combat obesity,
a growing problem in the US and elswhere.

Chief appointed for EFSA

Chief appointed for EFSA

Recruitment is over for the executive director of the new European
Food Safety Authority (EFSA) with the announcement yesterday that
Geoffrey Podger has had the all clear from the European
Parliament's Environment Committee -...

New rules for flavourings

New rules for flavourings

In the same week that the agriculture Council cleared the way for
tougher GM legislation in Europe, the European Commission has
announced a new proposal that seeks to harmonise the use of food
additives in flavourings in order to...

A Treatt in store?

A Treatt in store?

UK flavour and fragrance company Treatt saw turnover increase 11
per cent for the year with a slight dip in pre-tax profit from
£2.83m in 2001, to £2.77m for 2002, the company reports today.
Investment in the USA is paying off.

Cereol sells Lesieur

Cereol sells Lesieur

Barely two months after acquiring a majority stake in French oil
processor Cereol, US company Bunge said this week that its new unit
has sold French cooking oil company Lesieur in a bid to reduce its
debt load.

Curbing childhood obesity

Curbing childhood obesity

Obesity - a growing problem, not just in the West, and not just in
adults. Governments around the world are increasingly concerned
about the rise of obesity in childhood. But how are we tackling the
problem? Perhaps not very well....

The power of grape juice

The power of grape juice

Pop a supplement of sip a juice - where are the benefits? New
research suggest that the juice of the concord grape has powerful
antioxidant effects that may offer extra benefits that supplements
do not.

Oil drops for Aarhus

Oil drops for Aarhus

Danish vegetable oils and speciality fats company Aarhus Oliefabrik
this week reports a drop in consolidated operating income for the
third quarter as intense price competition and the impact of global
recession takes its toll.

Ladoga to market Godet Cognac

Ladoga to market Godet Cognac

Cognac Godet is pushing ahead with its exports to the potentially
huge Russian market following an agreement with its new distributor
there, Ladoga. The St Petersburg-based firm will now market three
Godet brands in major Russian...

SureBeam awarded new patent

SureBeam awarded new patent

SureBeam, the US-based food irradiation provider, has been awarded
a patent that increases the processing efficiency of its technology
and provides the ability to simultaneously process products in a
variety of package configurations.

CAP: food industry reacts

CAP: food industry reacts

The European food and drink industry this week gave a vote of
confidence to the radical revamp of the 41 year old Common
Agricultural Policy proposed by European Agriculture Commissioner
Franz Fischler - but gave a clear warning about...

Where lies coffee's stimulant?

Where lies coffee's stimulant?

Last week we reported on a study that suggested the buzz we get
from coffee may not, unlike the widely held belief, actually be
from caffeine. This week, new reaseach finds that brewed coffee
raises homocysteine levels and risk factors...

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